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Sep. 22nd, 2011


leaving on a jet- oh you know the rest.

In abooout 6 hours I'll be on a plane to London, so maybe a hiatus notice would be handy! I'll be gone for a month and leaving you in Kendra's capable hands. Be nice to her :D

See y'all on the flip side!


Sep. 21st, 2011


Anyone want to thread?

Sep. 16th, 2011



Hey, this is Stephy, Sookie and the 11th Doctor [info]iamamadman and would like to say I'm back. It took me a few days to recover from my trip, but now I'm ready to go again!

Sep. 13th, 2011


Oop, I come back just as everyone else leaves.

I've got most of my RL stuff sorted out and should be less busy in the coming days. I'll try and wrap up the threads I can, and hopefully start a few new ones here pretty soon. Happy to be back!


Hello people! It's me, Sarah (Donna Noble [info]illhaveasalute and Neville Longbottom [info]profplant), returning with River Tam- crazy ninja genius. She can sort of see the future, she has extreme empathy (to the point that it is a power- she feels everything, she can't not.) a touch of telepathy. The problem is River can't really- communicate anything. She's been put through a crazy amount of experiments and so had trouble with day to day problems. She can calculate the exact angles she needs to shoot to take out three armed killers with one bullet each, but she has no idea what a "gun" is, or even that it is a gun- to her it might look a bit like a tree branch, sitting on the floor of the ship. She's got mad skills with weapons and general kung-fu-ery, but again- crazy as a bed bug.

AIM: BeautifulManiac7
email quizzler25 at gmail dot com. Hit me up for plottage!

Sep. 8th, 2011


Hello frands! It is I, Jenni, the invisible admin-y mod. A few things:

1. We've had a couple of losses and additions, so hit up the f-list button!

2. I've stared at the coding for so long my eyes started to cross, so we'd really appreciate it if you could take a look at the taken list and the contact list to make sure everything's where it should be/all your details are up to date. (Will do up some graphics for the taken v. soon!)

3. Tagging your entries! A general reminder for the !log and !narrative tags in the main comm, one of which should always be attached to your post. Your characters are always tagged with their first and last names, with a few exceptions - Logan, The Tardis, Joshua, etc. Please let me know if you would like these characters to be known as something else.

4. On a more personal note, I have been mad fail with activity lately, for which I apologise! Work and preparation for my trip overseas has taken over my life. I've just picked up Xavier as an NPC though, so if anyone would like a little tête-à-tête with him or Rex Racer, let me know! There's two weeks before I have to skedaddle :)

Sep. 5th, 2011


Fourth character!

Hello there, it's Chris (aka Amy, Raven, and Dean) here to introduce my fourth character, Alata from the Super Sentai series Tensou Sentai Goseiger (aka the Japanese shows that Power Rangers are based on). His full app, plus helpful links to Wikipedia articles and Ranger Central database entries are over on his journal if you want the full story, but I'll try to summarize it up quick for you.

Alata is what's called a Gosei Angel, which is basically a race of humans who developed elemental-based powers thousands of years ago and decided to separate themselves from humanity by moving to Gosei World, all the while using their abilities to watch over and protect the Earth. Gosei World is connected to Earth by a giant tower called Heaven's Tower. Evil aliens destroy Heaven's Tower in an attempt to prevent the Gosei Angels from standing in the way of them taking over the planet. The only Gosei Angels left on Earth are Alata and four other trainee Angels.

Alata comes from the Skick (pronounced "Sky-ke," as compared to Landick and Seaick) Tribe of Gosei Angels, and as such has air-based abilities, like the ability to blow things around in the wind, track the presence of evil via the wind, and a high sensitivity to sound-based attacks (since sound waves travel through the air). Like all Gosei Angels, he can also make himself invisible to hide from the sight of humans. He uses a device called a Tensouder and special Gosei cards to transform into Gosei Red, summon weapons and mechs, and perform various attacks/techniques. Alata will be showing up in New York without his full set of Gosei Cards, 'cause it doesn't make much sense for him to be running around in a giant robot. Not that he could, anyway, since that sort of thing would require his teammates.

Aaaaanyway, long story short, Alata is an airhead (literally) and a derp, but he cares about people and will do anything he can to protect the Earth and the humans who live there. Yoroshiku ne!

Sep. 4th, 2011


maybe new york ought to start doing something about its population...

This guy would.

Hello, friends! This is Liv (player of Cloud, Locke, Lee and Remus) with her fifth (and final for now? Jenni knows my history with these fancy "last character slots") character Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu from the 2008 Nintendo DS action RPG The World Ends With You by SquareENIX because I miss having the only character in a fandom! And it's an awesome game, let me tell you that, if a schizophrenic one.

Anyway, so I should probably tell you about Joshua. In canon, he appears to be about 15-years old (because everyone there is 15 and the enemies are like, 18 or something, hay Japan market-base!) but in this game, I'm raising him to look at most in his early 20s because PBs are hard to come by. But he only appears to be so because no one really knows his age. He's not really human see; I call him a cosmic force with, admittedly, slightly god-like powers and responsibilities. In canon, his job is to judge the worth of men, see who lives and who dies, and his powers are of the telekinetic nature and he can summon down beams of light, too, and levitate himself and paralyze people. He does this physically by using his cell phone which also has an insane flash mechanism that stuns people. Impractical but helpful when fighting against a pincer battle.

And for being all that, he is unapologetically a snob, an arrogant know-it-all who sees himself in a higher place than mortals because he, well, isn't. It's because of that and the nature of his canon fandom that he won't be surprised at all with the situation in New York because the game actually involved something like it -- and he's behind it.

For the longer but more sensible version of Joshua, you can check out his profile here. Plotseses and stuff? Yes, please. My AIM's still slidersjoypops and you can always e-mail me over at islivonmars and I am always on it at work. :B This goes for Cloud, Locke, Lee and Remus, too! I know these boys have a couple of open logs and unfinished ones under their wings but hay, logging partners, they're like Pokemons, right? Gotta catch 'em all! \o/

Edit; OT but gys! Check out Google's tribute to Freddie Mercury, it's pretty cool! ♥

Sep. 3rd, 2011


well, i'm back.

At least, I hope to be back! I start the actual work part of my job this week, which will undoubtedly mess with my schedule a bit, but at least there will be a regular schedule (unlike my old jobs) to work around.

So I'll tentatively toss out Sebastian for a log with someone. XD For those who forgot who he is, since he had... one log reply before I hiatus-ed (oops), he's a butler and a demon. Yay! My other character, Sungmin, is... being very quiet, so I'm not sure what will happen with him. >.> But Sebastian's here!


Sep. 1st, 2011


Heading to Dragon*Con, I'll be gone till the 10th because I'm going to New Orleans after. I will probably do a few tags while I'm gone, but it won't be a lot till I get back. THis is for the 11th Doctor and Sookie Stackhouse.

Aug. 30th, 2011


I'm so sorry about this, as I realize three of my characters are wrapped up in threads right now, but I'm going to have to take about a two-week hiatus. Real life is really kicking my butt right now, and my already spotty internet access is going to be going right out the window.

I'll try and wrap up the threads I'm in, but I can't promise I'll be able to. My sincerest apologies, and I hope to see you all again soon!

Aug. 29th, 2011


Hello, peoples! I'm Kris and I bring you the second son of the Golden Savior himself Albus Severus Potter. Albus, Al, or Alby, depending on what you choose to call him, is an interesting fellow his information can be found here. Albus is a Slytherin bookworm that has always been harrassed by the press and has social anxiety pretty much because of it. Alby grew up to be a Wizarding field historian archeologist sort. He is a brainy one.

I can be reached on ladyflintheart for plotting and the like. Hooray!

Aug. 28th, 2011


Hello everyone! New player here (I found my way here through SWS on the fyeahroleplayingrabbit tumblr).

My character is Joe Gibken, the blue ranger from the currently airing Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, the 35th season of the Super Sentai franchise (more commonly known to US audiences as the show Power Rangers is adapted from). Joe's a pretty complex character, and as such I'm aware that his application is a little TL;DR. In short, he's a humanoid alien and a space pirate but by name only. He's actually still much more of a soldier. He's spent the past few years of his life fighting against the evil Empire he used to be a part of, and he's completely dedicated to his Captain, owing him a bit of a life debt. He's also not entirely great at interpersonal interactions.

Meanwhile, over here in the real world there's his owner/mundane, Trey. I'm usually a pretty prolific writer/role player. I've only been in the Gokaiger fandom for a few months now, so this is my first time playing Joe in a multi-player setting.

I'm also going to use this silly introduction post to apologize quickly. Like I said, I'm usually pretty prolific, but I got injured at work last week and consequently my right arm is a little weak and keeps me from typing too much. So, I'll be a little on the slow side for these first few weeks while I recover.

I'm planning on making a nice open post to introduce Joe into the game, it'll probably be written and posted sometime tomorrow evening. So, I hope you'll look forward to that!

I'm excited to be here! *waves*

Aug. 25th, 2011


Helllloooo darlings! It is I, Stars, and I bring you two fun new playthings!

First here is Xaphania, from His Dark Materials. So, a few things about her. She's Satan, basically, but she's a good Angel. She's spent almost her whole existence fighting against 'The Authority', who has been pretending that he IS God, and his horrid dominion over all the universes. She got banished from The Clouded Mountain, which is heaven basically, and with some other rebel angels, they interfered in human evolution to give them consciousness. She herself is made up of the consciousness, called Dust. Anyway, she starts this rebellion, interferes with human evolution [ie, she gave Eve the apple], and has been fightin' the good fight since then. Recently, a second Eve was born, her name was Lyra, and Xaphania waged her war with the Authority while Lyra went off being tempted and 'fell', which saved humanity and everyone else, because Dust stayed. Then she had to go around and seal off all the cracks in the world from where Dust was leaking out. Really, there's probably an easier way to explain that. But! Important things to know! 1) Xaphania's gotten a pretty bad rap in most cultures who have a god/devil relationship, and she's pretty over it, she gets it - the Authority had way more influence in that area than she did. 2) In her natural form, she is composed of Dust, which makes it look like she's composed of golden light. Because that would freak everyone out, she's taken a corporeal form and the name Abby Donne, which is a play on abbadon - the Destroyer, one of her many names. 3) She believes Dust drew her here for a reason. 4) In addition to being eternal, her power is that she can see the essence of the soul. So basically, if you ever wanted your character to know what their dæmon is, Xaphania can tell you. If not, she's not the sort to go about broadcasting that information anyway. Inconspicuous, remember? If you look at her, she just looks like an average human.

Okay, that was a lot. My second addition, [info]fixesthings, Kaylee Frye is a bit easier. She's the Mechanic on the Firefly Serenity. Since Simon is in-game Imma assume you all know at least a little 'bout Firefly. Anyway, she's sweet, adorable, loves everyone, and just crash landed the extra shuttle in central park. It's a tiny shuttle though, like the size of a bus. She knows exactly what she needs to fix it - that is her gift, knowing how to fix mechanical things just by lookin' at 'em - but alas, no-one here has ever heard of the parts she's lookin' for. She's coming in just after the events of the pilot Serenity, but before the Train Job. So that should be fun.

Anyway, I'm nearly always on AIM 'lawofthestars' or you can find me via email 'lawofthestars1182' via gmail. I've also got Susan Pevensie and Miss Martha Jones if anyone would like them!

Aug. 24th, 2011


Hit It!



SORRY! I did not mean to drop off the face of the earth for a second there- I'm back now and I am going to go tag back Remus and River, and hopefully anything else you need- Ginny, maybe? I DON'T KNOW, IT'S BEEN A WEEK. By which I mean it's been a hell of a week. Just tell me if I missed anything. Has the snow melted?

Aug. 21st, 2011


Hi there! I'm Alexandra (or Alex if you're too lazy for that ;p) and am bringing in Narcissa Malfoy for you all! Me? I'm rather boring. I'm 20, live in Australia and am studying to become a Librarian. Narcissa on the other hand is much more interesting!

Narcissa, obviously comes from the Harry Potter series and hails from not that long after the Final Battle so her life is currently up side down as she is still coming to terms with everything that happened from her sister and Severus's death to the fact the war is finally over and he's dead! She's very much a purist at heart but her first and foremost loyalty is towards her family. She won't take very well to be pulling into this world away from her family right after all that has happened either. Her bio is here if you want to look over it :)

I myself though can be found on AIM AND email at :)

I look forward to playing with you all!

♥ Alexandra

Aug. 20th, 2011


Fresh Meat!

DID ANYONE ELSE HAVE A MILD PANIC ATTACK WHEN IJ WASN'T WORKING THIS AFTERNOON? I was working the refresh button like an EMT on a defibrillator and having a break down like

Okay so my unhealthy addiction aside, HI EVERYONE!! I'm Jadis (Jai, J-- Miss Jadis if yer nasty!) and I come bearing R. Dorothy Wayneright from The Big O. The "R" initial is for "Robot", a reference to the naming convention used by sci-fi author Isaac Asimov.

Dorothy is an android, although she was entirely modeled after the deceased daughter of one of her creators. She's mostly indistinguishable from humans, particularly if you're not robot savvy. She comes from a metropolis called Paradigm City which is similar enough to New York that she won't be floundering around entirely out of her element but still different enough that she's going to be WTF. ....or at least as WTF as Dorothy is capable of. Despite being an android she has free will and even emotions, but your human complexities often still escape her comprehension. Generally Dorothy is polite but blunt like a wooden club, expressionless but moody, pragmatic but extremely curious, and a boss at saying all the right things to make a situation as awkward as possible (though not deliberately).

The not crappily summarized version of her information is here and she is available for whatever have you! And I am even more available for whatever have you and reachable via aim at subwaylesstaken or email at




So it's the weekend, and very soon (for me) it'll be another weekend!

Long story short: I was supposed to have my wisdom teeth out on Wednesday, but now I'm not. But because of the absolute headache I had to push through to get the three days off from work, you'd damn well better believe I'm taking them anyway. So this week is going to be allllllllll about the RPing for me, starting as soon as I get back from a) picking up my glasses, and b) seeing Fright Night :D

So, logs? Plot? Who wants these things????

Right now I have Lorna and Erik on my docket, plans to throw up an open log for Sheldon at some point, but not much else. So, comment if you'd like to do something with Tony, Zatanna, Peggy, Sheldon, Millie, or Erik! Because my free time is endless!

<3 Kendra

Aug. 19th, 2011


Just a quick note...

Applications will be processed and all questions we have in email and the drop box will be answered tomorrow, as Mod-1 is currently too tired to see straight.

Responsible decisions: I make them.

<3 Kendra

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