August 25th, 2014

[info]crogan in [info]shepherd_mesg

These are my earworms all. day. long. )

[info]josieray in [info]shepherd_mesg

Okay, so the album art for the Tony Bennett/Lady Gaga album is creeping me out. He's holding her hand really weird, and she looks like plastic.

Even though the track listing is nothing groundbreaking, I still want it. I'm afraid it's going to give my nightmares though. I might need to have it blessed by a priest before bringing it home. I don't want that bad juju in my dorm.

[info]lexie_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Today it has been mostly rainy. Way to live up to our stereotype, England! Good excuse to watch films and cuddle up under a blanket on the bank holiday though.

How is everyone else's break going? Anywhere exciting?