August 16th, 2014

[info]jackatkins in [info]shepherd_mesg

Remember your projects are do at the beginning of your final. Anything that isn't turned in by the time class starts will be considered late work and docked accordingly. Remember, your boss won't care that your car couldn't start or your alarm didn't go off... and therefore I won't either.

Private to Eliina )

Private to Kaia and Nate )

[info]rebgunn in [info]shepherd_mesg

Your final project is due before Friday. I expect them to be turned in by midnight on the Friday, and no later. We will not be meeting for class this week, which means this is your only reminder to hand in your work. Anything turned in after the midnight deadline will be considered late and will be heavily docked. If it is not in by noon on the twenty second, you will be given a failing grade for your final. I will not be on campus after that time, so you won't be able to plead your case. If I can't take it with me to grade, you will not receive a grade. Use your time wisely. All instructions are online, so please turn to them before coming to me. If you still need help after that, please visit during office hours. After noon on Friday, I'm on vacation and not discussing anything class related. Enjoy your break.

[info]gisellemrk in [info]shepherd_mesg

I've only just gotten here and I'm ready to leave. It's boring, the food is terrible, and no one understands me unless I write things down. They stare, too. You'd think they'd never seen someone sign before. It's rude. Tell me where the closest interesting place is around here, and don't say New York, that's not an option.