August 4th, 2014

[info]rebgunn in [info]shepherd_mesg

With it being Helen Thomas's birthday today, I find it interesting that her career accomplishments were so quickly dismissed, and continue to be overlooked, due to one comment. Men in power get away with murder, and make ridiculous remarks about women and minorities in this country all the time, yet it is generally glossed over. Helen was destroyed for being outspoken. Says a lot about how women are viewed in this country I think.

[info]jakeda in [info]shepherd_mesg

I've got beer and Cards Against Humanity.

Who's coming over for drinking and being horrible human beings?

[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

After reading a first hand account of what went on at the museum sleepover, I think I was better off sitting outside with you, Mina. All everybody did was get drunk and behave very inappropriately. I'm slightly disappointed. What a waste of an opportunity. You're given free reign to wander a museum, and you use it just to get drunk and act badly. I'm glad they had fun, of course, as that's what the event was supposed to be, but I think I had more fun watching the stars and a few documentaries. It would have been upsetting to see people abusing their privilege and getting a little too friendly with one another. Why would you even do that so openly in a museum? Maybe spending the night in the museum isn't for me after all.

[info]capalm in [info]shepherd_mesg

Okay I really should attempt to stay put for ten minutes. I think there's something called finals coming up. But more importantly FAMILY VISIT. Of course I say that then I add this...

Cheer ladies, all day practice and uniform fitting Saturday and then we're going out dancing. Yes, yes we are. We'll also be sorting out the travel schedule and all that so best be there.

Big thank you to everyone that came out to help at the Special Olympics. I've got thank you cards hand made for each of you. I'll get 'em delivered soon. Promise.

[info]lsmurphy in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text to: Corina Williams
Text from: Liam Murphy
You have (1) unread message )

Email to: Gina Franklin
Email from: Liam Murphy
Subject: Meeting )

[info]xpwilson in [info]shepherd_mesg

Separate messages to Liam and Corina )

Private to Eleni )

Private to Taylor )

Private to Hayley )

[Edit] Private to Cameron )

[info]will_i_ams in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text to Eleni, You Have (1) New Message )