July 23rd, 2014

[info]brestan in [info]shepherd_mesg

The summer seems to be passing by much too quickly.

Note to the women's swim team: Please keep in mind that even though this is the summer session, I still expect the same dedication out of you for practices. However, you will be pleased to know that we will continue summer sessions for group practices of only three days per week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Morning only. However, I suggest you practice more than that on your own or you will find the next Quarter quite grueling.

Private to Nadia

Private to Clara
Is he drunk yet?

[info]josieray in [info]shepherd_mesg

The Newport Jazz Festival is coming up out in Rhode Island, I say a bunch of us either trek up there and enjoy it, or we have our own jazz festival. We just lost a great jazz musician, so it's a perfect time to throw some jazz out on campus. I'm going to call manman and plead for her to send food. Jazz and Creole go so well together, it only makes sense to have Haitian food available.

Someone think this is a good idea, too. Ideas aren't much fun when I'm the only one excited about them.

[info]rebgunn in [info]shepherd_mesg

I caught someone watching some trailer for a Fifty Shades of Grey movie in one of my classes today. Apparently it has a trailer for the actual movie trailer. After they tried to convince me the story had actual worthy merits, I had them leave class since their mind was clearly elsewhere. It's one thing to bring that garbage in there in the first place, it's another entirely to try and convince me it's a love story. Romeo and Juliet is a better love story than that tripe, and it's not even meant to be a romance. Is it Friday yet?