July 20th, 2014

[info]liabruckner in [info]shepherd_mesg

"If I could be doing anything right now, I would be..."

In LA, on the set of an upcoming blockbuster, starring in a lead role.

[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

Happy moon landing day! 45 years ago today, at 10:56 pm Eastern Time, Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon! What an event to be able to witness! I can only imagine how it felt to be the first person to touch the moon, or to even embark on such a mission. Space travel is still dangerous today, despite all the advanced technology we have, doing it back in the 60's had to be extremely perilous. I wish we were closer to the Smithsonians, I bet they're doing wonderful things to mark the day, and rightly so! I've been keeping an eye on the Apollo 11 twitter all day, it's been so fun to watch it update. I should bake something.