July 17th, 2014

[info]cogden in [info]shepherd_mesg

My brother is coming to visit at the end of August. It will be his first time back in the States since my wedding 2008. His first visit to West Virginia. We are not a family that particularly enjoys doing tourist-like activities, but I would like to make sure he has a good time.

Does anyone have any ideas?

[info]blackgin in [info]shepherd_mesg

text to: Alice Baker
text from: Gina Franklin
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[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

I got to talk to my dad today! I really do miss him. He seemed okay, but I feel bad. I had to lie to him. I've never lied to my dad before, but I couldn't not lie to him this time. He wanted to know all about school, and what I've been doing to keep myself busy. It didn't use to be hard to have this conversation. I couldn't really tell him everything. He's already worried about me being so far away from home, so I lied.

Then I ate the rest of my macarons. I don't think I like lying very much.

[info]capalm in [info]shepherd_mesg