June 5th, 2014

[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

Today in history: The Supreme Court case Henderson v. The United States ended racially segregated railroad dining cars.

It's crazy to realize how recent that is. Sometimes I try to understand the mindset behind things like this, but I just can't. It doesn't make sense to me, and it will never make sense to me.

Today is the day Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1968, too. He and Martin Luther King Jr. were both assassinated that year. Ronald Reagan passed away on this day in 2004. At least he wasn't assassinated, even though someone did try to do that to him.

The presidential assassinations have never made much sense to me. All they do is hurt people. They don't usually accomplish what the assassin wants. Some of the assassins themselves are rather hard to make sense of. Charles Guiteau wanted an orchestra to play at his execution. He wanted them to play while he sang a poem he wrote, and he danced to the gallows. John Schrank said the ghost of William McKinley pushed him to attempt to assassinate Teddy Roosevelt. He personally had nothing against Roosevelt, but McKinley's ghost ordered him to shoot him. When Roosevelt died, Schrank was sorry to hear of his passing, and said Roosevelt was a great person. I can sort of see why John Wilkes Booth reacted the way he did, Lincoln brought about a massive upheaval to life in this country. I don't support his actions by any means, but if I put myself in his shoes, I can sort of understand.

Sometimes I wonder what was going on in their minds.