June 2nd, 2014

[info]rhodrychap in [info]shepherd_mesg

Welcome back Shepherd Students. For those of you diligent enough to continue your course work over the summer holiday, cheers. For my psychology students, I look forward in giving you some insights into my latest paper that was recently published on the brain and psychological elements that go into our patterns and habits. In specific, we will also review and utilize case studies with several sports teams, corporate businesses, and individual patients who have faced challenges in relearning and forming new skills and habits.

My open door policy will remain in effect for the summer as well with the same hours as previous quarters.

Private to Ryan )

Private to Jamie )

Private to Psychology Dept. Staff )

[info]jakeda in [info]shepherd_mesg

So a guy could use some extra money. Since I'm here over the summer, I'm offering my services as a language tutor. I could tutor in engineering undergrad too, but that's not nearly as fun. Still, if someone needs help I'm not opposed.

Will work for food.

I keep forgetting. This is for money. Can't eat money, but can buy things to eat. Reasonable rates. And fun. I'm fun.

And can anyone finish the phrase: There once was a man from Nantucket...? Extra points for being dirty and tutoring discounts.

[info]lexie_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

text to: Claire Koller
text from: Lexie Morgan
You have (1) new message )

[info]capalm in [info]shepherd_mesg

Private message to Stephen Harper )

I got Mary-Kate and Ashley!
Your boobs are silent, but deadly, always willing to take on an adventure, smart enough to get themselves out of scrapes when they need to, and shrewd at building an empire. They deserve a nickname that speaks to their awesome brilliance.
What should you nickname your boobs

Very important quiz ladies (and men I suppose)
And now back to studying.

[info]lucyspier in [info]shepherd_mesg

72 hours in Virginia and I'm craving the sights and smell of New York.

Bright side? I've mastered a new way of painting my nails )

If only Quantitative, and Social Psychology was as easy.