May 31st, 2014

[info]rosedar in [info]shepherd_mesg

I just have to say.

Cowboy hats are severely underrated. Whoever opened the stable doors and invited the Southern Infusion, I owe you a few drinks. Wheeeeew Doggy!

Edited later:
Beach bound. Connor?

Private to Matt Darius )

[info]ambori in [info]shepherd_mesg

This week in bad news: South Carolina pushed a pro-fracking bill through both houses in only two freakin days. If signed into law, it would make citizen voting on racking ordinances illegal, not to mention force full disclosure restrictions on medical proessionals (including EMS) and real-estate firms regarding potentially harmful chemicals used in the racking process. Fuck me.

Good news: the House finally passed a bill that breaks the federal government's legal loopholes regarding medical marijuana. One step closer to ending Prohibition, I guess.

Not sure if these two cancel my mood or not. I feel like I still need a beer.

[info]mattdarius in [info]shepherd_mesg

Looks like it's a nice day out, time to go enjoy the beach. Maybe even the DC nightlife this weekend. Hmmm. Going to go to the beach on the bay and have a nice little shindig.

Messages to Taye, Maggie, Claire, and Lexie )