May 19th, 2014

[info]rochh in [info]shepherd_mesg

I'm not sure why I feel the slightest bit inclined to post the requisite beach/bikini/sunset picture but here it is. I'm still pale but I have to say this ranks at the top of getaway vacations. I never imagined vacationing in California and not wanting to go home. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind until now. Just as well. Holiday was desperately needed knowing what I have to come back to. Fuck you, Shepherd. Thank you, Professor Delancey.

[info]victordonovan in [info]shepherd_mesg

Unlike most people, I'm glad to be back on campus. Though, breaks aren't long enough, I can't wait for school to start again. I find myself getting way too bored when there's nothing to focus on, and that's one way to get into lots of trouble. Least the not good kind of trouble.

Message to Marisol )

Message to Thalia )