May 15th, 2014

[info]mskenzie in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text to Ashton [info]onls
Sent from next room.

(You have 2 new messages) )

[info]jrnott in [info]shepherd_mesg

I got lost last night. It was a lot of fun! I ended up finding this restaurant named Nando's, I think it's like...a Five Guys, but with chicken? I don't know, it had a lot chicken and it was fun!

There was this couple there that I talked too for awhile. One of them was going to college too, somewhere in the area, I don't remember its name. She was studying Engineering, and was super nice. I was nervous because I thought people hated American's, but mostly people have been nice to me and there is so much to see!

I saw Diagon Alley this morning! Or where they filmed it, and policemen! Real live British policmen!

I never want to leave.

edit 15 may 2014, 13:42
Ahh! I realized I didn't say: I'm in London!

[info]eliinal in [info]shepherd_mesg

I suppose it's nearly time. I hope those undergrad's wishing to take business classes are thoroughly enjoying their vacations. I can assure you it will be something far less than enjoyable when you return. Perhaps think of using your time more wisely unless you are of the variety that prefers to have to work twice as hard when you return. Of course if you are one that prefers to simply rest on daddy's laurels, you don't even stand a chance. And for the record that is something I enjoy.

Message to Connor Atkins )

Private to Josh Franklin )

[info]hayleymc in [info]shepherd_mesg

You know the best thing about hiking for a good couple of hours in the perfect, clean Arizona air? Languishing in the bubble baths with a bottle of orange soda afterwards.
Two weeks of glorious, blissful home time and I don't want to come back. Correspondence and online courses will count towards my grades, right?

It beats my backup career of running off and joining Bill Nye as his assistant. Yay science!

[Private to Jake] )

Text: Garrett Rawlings )

Text: Taylor Morgan )