May 12th, 2014

[info]alyson_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

It's meant to be the break, could people please try not to break themselves?

Although it did stop me getting so bored I wanted to bleed myself.

[info]solsin in [info]shepherd_mesg

I only have one scheduled appointment at the clinic this week, which is a blessing. After the turmoil of finals week, I'll consider this my Calgon moment.

I'm at Sapphire today while the floors are being stripped and waxed. There is some symmetry in the terminology that makes me laugh. I'm curious to see how many dancers, and patrons, we'll have this week and next during break. If business slows too much, we could always switch to a door cover and give lessons for recruitment. I could possibly be persuaded to holding an Amateur night.

[info]eliinal in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text to: Jake Davis
Text from: Eliina Luvic
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Text to: Josh Frankljn
Text from: Eliina Luvic
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[info]thalia_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

I'm driving back to Long Island on Thursday morning, coming back Tuesday, if anyone wants a lift to anywhere on the way and doesn't mind throwing a little gas money in?

[info]capalm in [info]shepherd_mesg

And.... relaxed

I don't know Hells Bells, this might beat stars and home cooked food. Just maybe. Next break I'll drag you to my part of the Southwest. You need to meet my brother. He will adore you.

And now BYE. Before I lose my phone overboard.