May 9th, 2014

[info]rochh in [info]shepherd_mesg

I still can't believe it. That letter from the Admissions office would have been ripped to shreds if Adrien hadn't stopped me. My tuition for summer was never received? Seriously? How could that even happen? And the line that I'm being allowed to stay on as a servita for next term. That is such shit. What the hell is happening to my life? I've used my last act as a Dominari to get some pock faced servita boy to carry my bags to Turner. Somehow that doesn't give me much satisfaction. JFC. Roommates? Maintenance is here now to change the locks. I really didn't want to still be here when they showed up. [/private]

I guess it's time to see how the other half lives.

I am in hell.

[info]gjrawls in [info]shepherd_mesg

I'm glad to have this week behind me. It had a couple of high points. One in particular. It'll be good to get home, I'm sure Arizona missed me. I'm dying for some dry weather. Even if I have to chaperon Hayley and Jake during our vacation. Her gran made me promise. For pie.

text to TJ [info]tenene 5.9.14:

We have things to discuss when I get back. And I'll have proper jewelry for you.

[info]simon_b in [info]shepherd_mesg

If anyone finds a white telescoping guiding cane, please return it to me. It was stolen once again and hidden away. I believe that is the sixth time. I will be in the library.