February 24th, 2010

[info]sylvanawood in [info]severusbigbang

Review Challenge: The Winners

It took me a bit longer to get the review numbers, because I got side-tracked again and again by the wonderful entries we have on this fest. I had to look again, and sample chapters, and look at art, and laugh, and wonder... in short, I had a marvellous time and a big, silly grin on my face while I counted reviews. Thank you again for all these wonderful entries, what a fest it's been!

And now we have winners.

In first place with 149 reviews is:


and wins art by [info]camillo1978

The second place with 123 reviews goes to:


who wins a short story or drabble series by [info]torino10154
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Artists' and Authors's Choice goes to the same person:


She wins art by [info]janus and a short story by [info]annietalbot,
and gets banners, too.

Congratulations to the winners!

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Thank you once again for participating and making this fest such an enjoyable one. Severus will give you all an E, I'm sure. I'd give you all an O, but I'm sure his E pleases you more. ;)

Don't forget to send us your updated work, links to new chapters, follow-ups and entries you signed up for but couldn't finish in time. We'll post this here for all to see and enjoy.
If you want to check on my review count, contact me and I'll make the documents viewable for you.

And now I shut up.