January 8th, 2010

[info]sylvanawood in [info]severusbigbang

General Rules: Revised

General Rules: Revised

The previously posted rules mostly referred to sign-ups and entries. But now, as the party begins, the time has come to remind you of the few basic, but firm, rules we've put in place for these communities that apply to everyone:

All participants and readers must be over 18. If you aren't 18 yet and can read this, you lied about your age!

While this fest is rather easy going, there are two strict rules: no shipping wars and no concrit, as well meaning as it might be.

Detailed explanations under the cut )

[info]sylvanawood in [info]severusbigbang

The Review Challenge

The Review Challenge

Dear Audience,

The best way to show your appreciation to an author, artisan or artist is to leave a review. Remember, none of us are paid to do this, and while we all enjoy making art and crafts or writing stories, we are also encouraged by feedback. It makes us continue with what we do; it makes us strive to improve ourselves, and in the long run, it gives you more to see and read.

Details under the cut )