January 5th, 2010

[info]sylvanawood in [info]severusbigbang

What to expect from the fest?

Only a few days left... :)

All the entries will be visible Saturday, my time (central Europe).
As soon as the fest opens, a review challenge will commence.

During the next few days, there will be some minor changes to the layout and link lists. Some things will be added to the rules. A detailed timeline will be posted plus a few other bits and pieces. The review challenge will be posted.

As we look, read and review, we'll be posting showcases: information posts for our affiliate archives, and an opportunity for authors, artists, beta readers and cheerleaders to introduce themselves if they so wish.

People will be free to post on the archives of their choice after January 20th. The review challenge will end January 31st. Check out our affiliate archives; they offer a 'Severus Big Bang' category.

Winners and prizes of the review challenge will be announced in February.

The fest, however, will continue. Some of you have put a lot of effort into your work but weren't able to finish it. If you can't use these almost completed stories, art or craft for another fest or challenge, feel free to send them to us, and we will put them up here after January 31st.

You need to have signed up to do this. Your work will still be part of the fest, then, even though it'll arrive too late for the actual party.

We'll do this all through 2010.