Scotchsour's Place for Layouts, Codes, Icons, Mood Themes...
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Layout .01 - S2 Dear Diary : Baroque 
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5th-Dec-2007 08:18 pm
I would like to thank [info]babyelefant for the last minute help to get this layout working properly.

Preview of Baroque Layout
[Click Here for Preview]

Press for bigger size of Baroque Layout

layout available: two-column-left
custom colors : in stylesheet
best view: : 1024x768 or higher
browser checked : Firefox, Internet Explorer
works with : Free, Paid, Nav Bar (Unknown with Plus)
available at :
based design on :
images used : sweetie, famfamfam, pdphoto, freecsstemplates

How to Style? (using the InsaneJournal customize journal area)
1. In insanejournal's navigational menu, go to journal > customize journal or press the link.
1a. The first page you see is Journal Display that shows four tabs. The first is highlighted as Basics. Look below for Style System and make sure the radio button is highlighted for:
S2 - For users who don't know HTML or CSS, or make only minor alterations.
2. 2. Press Tab for Custom Options. You can either scroll down or press Custom CSS in the Selection area.
3. Look for : Use layout's stylesheet(s) and say No. In the Custom external stylesheet URL You leave blank.
4. Look for : Custom stylesheet and copy/paste Baroque's stylesheet.
5. Save Changes.
6. It will save and look for : "Your settings have been saved. View your Journal."
7. Go view Journal.
8. You're Done.
9. Thank you for trying this layout.

How to Style? (using the LiveJournal new customize journal area)
1. In livejournal's navigational menu, go to journal > customize journal or press the link.
1a. The first page you see is Journal Display that shows four tabs. The first is highlighted as Basics. Look below for Style System and make sure the radio button is highlighted for:
S2 - For users who don't know HTML or CSS, or make only minor alterations.
2. Under (2. Select a New Theme), go the search box and type dear diary. Once the layouts appear go to the bottom and in the drop down choose (all).
3. Find and press (apply theme) to "striking by martin atkins" and then press (customize).
4. Under (customize your theme), press custom css.
5. Under custom css > page > where it states: ("Use layout's "Base Weblog" stylesheet") say no. In the Custom external stylesheet URL You leave blank.
6. Add the css into the custom stylesheet textarea.
7. Press "save changes".
8. In the blue box where it says your current theme, press on your journal's name.
9. You're Done.
10. Thank you for trying this layout.

Implement CCS into Theme Layer
(Paid/Permanent Users)
If I offer a theme layer, follow any of the links below on how to implement into any of mine into your journal. Thank you.
[info]s2bloggish Tutorials by [info]carriep63:
1. Creating a Theme Layer(using Livejournal new customized area)
2. Using CSS with a Theme Layer
[info]scotchbonnet Tutorials by [info]scotchosur:
1. Creating a Theme Layer(for InsaneJournal users)
2. Create a Style(Coming Later...)

CSS Code
InsaneJournal Cascading Style Sheet

LiveJournal Cascading Style Sheet

*Remember, the Cascading Style Sheets only have the name of the images but no direct address to show them in your journal.
You must upload them to a server or file storage and replace them into the css to get them to work.*

For Paid/Permanent Accounts
If you wish to have tags, extra textbox and metadata function to work in your journal, please click here for code.

If using, please don't hotlink. Upload to another storage online, try photobucket or imageshack.

On each image link, right click [Save target as] or [Save Link as] to your computer (downloading) then upload them to a server or personal storage to use.

Main Images
banner | logo | calendar flower | entry flower | bullet | sidebar container image | sidebar container top image | background body image

Mini Images
lj user image | lj community image | newspaper image | privacy image : friends lock | privacy image | previous | memories | tell a friend | edit tags | edit entry | next | track | screen | unscreen | disconnect |freeze | delete

download baroque the zip file includes: a html file with css and images.
Note: The link will go to Megaupload. There is a 45 second wait to non-members.

If you keep the image in the layout (logo), then it isn't necessary to have a link in the sidebar. However, if you wish to remove the the image then I would appreciate it.

If you have questions, please ask in comments. I'll try to get to you. If you are not part of InsaneJournal, please leave a name so I'll at least know who you are. :)

If you see a staggered gradation in the images in your layout, which might result from your computer saving the images as .bmp only, I learned from [info]carriep63 that it is most likely due to the need to clean out your temporary internet files.
16th-Jun-2010 07:27 pm (UTC)
Gorgeous! Definitely using it for my IJ. Thank you!
4th-Nov-2010 12:53 am (UTC)
Gorgeous layout! Adopting it for our challenge at merry_merthur. Using our banner and post bullet (a shield), but having a few tiny difficulties both here and on LJ.

On IJ: Would like to remove poster's username or have it show under userpic on entries, not under entry title. Also, would like to remove where it says NAME: MERRY MERTHUR under Journal info section.

ON LJ: The same issues, plus we cannot get the command link icons to show (ie, edit post, edit tags, share post, etc) under entries. The links are there and working, but no icon shows up.

Thank you SO much for this awesome layout! We love how it works so well with the colors and theme of our comm! We're leaving your credit icon on both pages!
5th-Nov-2010 12:09 am (UTC)
As you can tell it has been a while since I touched this layout and I have stopped for a while now but I will try to help you.
Search the CSS

To remove the poster's name under the entry title:
Search the CSS

.entryheader .entryposter {
display: inline;

display: none;

It should work for IJ and LJ.

As for the name under the journal info section, I believe look for:

.pbox dt {
font-weight: normal;
margin-top: 4px;
.pbox dd {
padding: 0;
margin-left: 24px;

add to each part:
display: none;

It should work for IJ and LJ.

then find:

margin:0px auto 0px 17px;

change to:

margin:0px auto 20px 17px;

As for the icons, IJ and LJ moved them and I will have to hunt for them to fix but not right now. Live with their version until I at least update (when I feel better) with a new version.
5th-Nov-2010 03:13 am (UTC)
THANK YOU SO MUCH! It worked perfectly and the journals both look fantastic! I'll upload my own pics and link them for the quicklinks. We absolutely love the layout and I'm going to use it on my personal journal as well (changing the same things, leaving your credit banner). It's lovely!

Thanks again (hope you feel better soon!)
10th-May-2011 05:51 am (UTC)
Just found your layout today and decided to put it up on this RP account. It's absolutely beautiful and I thought I'd followed your instructions to the letter but I feel like I missed something 'cause it's not quite right. There's no background or pretty little edging on the sidebar. Can you give me a hint as to where I went wrong?

10th-May-2011 06:16 am (UTC)
Sorry to bother you. Another half hour of tinkering and I figured out what the problem was. I fail. The layout is seriously beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
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