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Layout .05 - S2 Dear Diary : PinkandGrey 
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28th-May-2009 04:28 pm
Preview of PinkandGrey Layout

[Click Here for Free Live Preview]

Press for bigger size of PinkandGrey Layout

With minor up and downs, mostly on IE side I have enjoyed skimming Dear Diary. I would like to thank so much [info]babyelefant at Everything_LJ as always for last minute help.

PinkandGrey was created from LJ/IJ base layout Dear Diary.
Free: Cascading Style Sheet

layout available: two-column-right
custom colors : in stylesheet
best view: : 1024x768 or higher
browser checked : Firefox, Internet Explorer
works with : Free, Paid, Nav Bar (Unknown with Plus)
available at :
images used : scotchsour, sem labs

How to Style? (using the InsaneJournal customize journal area)
1. In insanejournal's navigational menu, go to journal > customize journal or press the link.
1a. The first page you see is Journal Display that shows four tabs. The first is highlighted as Basics. Look below for Style System and make sure the radio button is highlighted for:
S2 - For users who don't know HTML or CSS, or make only minor alterations.
2. Press Tab for Custom Options. You can either scroll down or press Custom CSS in the Selection area.
3. Look for : Use layout's stylesheet(s) and say No. In the Custom external stylesheet URL You leave blank.
4. Look for : Custom stylesheet and copy/paste PinkandGrey's stylesheet.
5. Save Changes.
6. It will save and look for : "Your settings have been saved. View your Journal."
7. Go to View Journal.
8. You're Done.
9. Thank you for trying this layout.

How to Style? (using the LiveJournal customize journal area)
1. The first page you see is Customize Journal Style there are three main areas shown: [Edit Titles] - [Your Current Theme] - [Customize Your Current Theme]
1b. Go to [Customize Your Current Theme] then under more options select [Select a Different Theme]
2. Under (2. Select a New Theme), go the search box and type Dear Diary and press search. Once the layouts appear go to the bottom and in the drop down choose (show all).
3. Find and press (apply theme) to Dear - (No plain theme available) Choose any by the designer Martin Atkins and then press (apply theme) then press (customize).
4. Back to the main area Customize Journal Style go to Customize Your Theme, press (custom css).
5. Under custom css > page > where it states: ("Use layout's stylesheet(s)") say no. Under that, Custom external stylesheet URL should be blank.
6. Add the LiveJournal "PinkandGrey" Cascading Style Sheet for Free Users into the custom stylesheet textarea.
7. Press "save changes".
8. Go to the blue box on the page that displays your current journal and press your identity link.
9. You should be done.
10. Thank you for trying this layout.

CSS Code

InsaneJournal Cascading Style Sheet for Free Users

LiveJournal Cascading Style Sheet for Free Users

Implement CCS into Theme Layer
(Paid/Permanent Users)
If I offer a theme layer, follow any of the links below on how to implement into any of mine into your journal. Thank you.
[info]s2bloggish Tutorials by [info]carriep63:
1. Creating a Theme Layer(using Livejournal new customized area)
2. Using CSS with a Theme Layer
[info]scotchbonnet Tutorials by [info]scotchosur:
1. Creating a Theme Layer(for InsaneJournal users)
2. Create a Style(Coming Later...)


If using this layout, please don't hotlink. Upload to your site or use an image storage online such as photobucket to host.

32 Images
download pinkandgreyThe zip file includes all the images to this layout.
Note: The link will go to Megaupload. There is a possible wait to non-members.

For Paid/Permanent Accounts
If you wish to have tags, extra textbox and metadata function (such as image to the left) to work in your journal, please click here for codes.

This layout is not to be changed, I spent a lot of time to get the graphics, colors and text right that I don't want to see it broken. Right now, this only available as a free theme so no fancy stuff added. However, I do plan on revisiting this layout to add a paid version as well in the future.

If you keep the image in the layout (logo), then it isn't necessary to have a link in the sidebar. However, if you wish to remove the the image then I would appreciate it.

If you have questions, please ask in comments. I'll try my best to get to you.
31st-May-2009 06:53 pm (UTC) - PinkandGray
Even though there's Pink - and I don't usually like Pink - I think I'll switch my IJ over to this one. :D I just like what you did with it.
1st-Jun-2009 03:36 pm (UTC) - Re: PinkandGray
Thanks, I'm not a big fan of pink per se but I do like the adult version of pink which has more black than white tint. Looks more sophisticated.

Is that the header given in the pack? There should be a line at the bottom. If not, I reup the pack. Oh you are missing your userinfo image.
1st-Jun-2009 04:40 pm (UTC) - Re: PinkandGray
Everything I had in the pack I uploaded. I go through the code and see if I missed any URLs.

1st-Jun-2009 05:03 pm (UTC) - Re: PinkandGray
I reupped the pack, it had the wrong header. Instead of downloading, take this header.

Check the urls after the images section because none of the userinfo images come up.

The entry tags section looks weird, check the preview link for this layout and look around the meta section and tell me if yours looks like that.
2nd-Jun-2009 09:44 pm (UTC) - Re: PinkandGray
I fixed what I could - I have a problem with short term memory, so it was a little hard to remember what I had to look for. (And a little funny.)

I don't really have time this week, but I'll check the tags problem next week. Thank you very much for your layout and your help troubleshooting it.
5th-Jun-2009 10:22 am (UTC)
this is great - adding to memories, thank you :D
5th-Jun-2009 02:37 pm (UTC)
Oh, thanks. I'm glad you like it.
8th-Jun-2009 06:53 pm (UTC)
I had to comment on your Karl Urban layout you are using on your account. Nice job. I have been a HUGE Karl junkie for about 9+ years now. Nice to know I'm not the only one in here who admires him, as well. : D
9th-Jun-2009 05:34 pm (UTC)
Oh, this is a new IJ theme layer and I just adjusting to what I like so in the end it will be a better KU layout. :)

Thanks but noticing Karl Urban is a recent one, I even said it here.
9th-Jun-2009 09:50 pm (UTC)
Hi! I really like your layout, but I can't seem to get it to work. If you could give me some help that would be great1
9th-Jun-2009 10:41 pm (UTC)
Are you referring to the Baroque that I see on your journal or the pinkandgrey one you are posting to?
14th-Jun-2009 08:22 pm (UTC)
The pink and gray one.
14th-Jun-2009 10:06 pm (UTC)
Which part of the instructions are you having a problem with?
10th-Jun-2009 04:35 am (UTC)
omg! i love this! im taking it for my lj. thanx!!
11th-Jun-2009 08:54 am (UTC)
You're welcome. Hope you will come back and tell me where so I can see it in action.
15th-Jun-2011 09:43 pm (UTC)
I know its been a while since you've posted this.. But I need help. I don't understand. I am trying to replace the images with my own links.. and they are no showing up.. Can you help? If so email me at
21st-Aug-2011 08:34 pm (UTC)
I checked your css through the browser, and it looks like you've forgotten to upload the images to a server (like photobucket) and replace the fake URLs in the stylesheet with your new links.
15th-Oct-2011 07:45 am (UTC)
hi... i just found this cool... i'm asking your permission to use this... thank you...
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