Schloss Eberbach

August 17th, 2008

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Schloss Eberbach


August 17th, 2008

Moment of silliness for the day.

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By: Mullenkamp

Posted: August 17, 2006

Notes: A strange random thought I had the other day, and just remembered to post now - more (completely ridiculous) fodder for the argument that Klaus is likely to be a bottom/uke.

In Japanese video games, especially RPGs, it has been well-established that with the majority of characters who have a parent die (assuming both parents aren't dead), a female character's surviving parent will be the father, and the male character's surviving parent will be the mother. We don't know why this is. It's just a trend that has for some reason shown up in video games over and over. There are some exceptions, of course.

This lines up with Dorian just fine. Since he's the Earl of Gloria, we can assume his father's now dead. If he still has a living parent (hard to tell what became of his mother), it would be his mother. That's normal for a male character.

...However, Klaus' surviving parent is his father. Meaning that according to a well-established tradition in another form of Japanese media... Klaus should be a girl. :D

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