Schloss Eberbach

February 27th, 2008

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Schloss Eberbach


February 27th, 2008

And now for something completely different...

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By: Margaret Price

Posted: February 27, 2008

Notes: With the stories getting longer, it's going to take longer for me to go through them. I have reached the point where I stopped last year. Also, I am going to break them into parts so they don't get too unwieldy.

So, to tide you over until I finish "Alaskan Front," I give you this postcard that I found ages ago in my mother's collection.

Postcard of West Germany )


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By: Margaret Price

Posted: February 27, 2008

Notes: Found this on a site of "bad" Japanese words. I have no idea as to the accuracy of this, since the writer seems to think that the word "drek" is common in America.

Kono imo! [f/m] = Home boy! Hick!

Literally means, "you potato!" from the fact that potatoes are grown in the country. Therefore, imo nä-chan & imo në-chan are "potato boy" & "potato girl" meaning they are unfashionable, or that their talk is not-so-wiz.]

Potato Klaus. Heh

EDIT: Here is the link to the site. linky linky

Also, Home boy is a mistranslation. It is a term more commonly used by inner city blacks. Home boy or homie. Not even remotely a country bumpkin type.
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