Daily Scans Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
June 9th, 2009
06:46 pm


One Perfect Moment: Ronan the Accuser
After my last two verbose posts, I think I've got it down to two pages.

Annihilation contained One Perfect Moment after Another Perfect Moment.

This one belongs to Ronan, Supreme Accuser of the Kree Empire, and contains in two pages everything we know and love about he who wields the Cosmi-Rod and uses it as a one-stop shop for all of your justicinating needs.


Moral of the story: if you absolutely positively have to pick an alien species to mess with, don't let it be the Kree. For the love of God, go screw with someone else.

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12:26 pm


Three Perfect Moments: the Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, and MJ Watson
I see that no one has posted a One Perfect Moment for the Silvery Scion of Zenn-La -- the Sentinel of the Spaceways himself -- that being the divine Silver Surfer.

I am here to remedy this tragic oversight.

I'm going to actually go out on a limb here and say that the Perfect Moments contained in this post are going to have the most beautiful art and writing of any Perfect Moments posted this week. Oh yeah, I went there.

So, the first scans that this post contains, in one seven-page sequence, not one but THREE Perfect Moments for the Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, and MJ.

These first scans come from Silver Surfer: Requiem, that being an out of continuity miniseries that was scribed by J. Michael Straczynski in 2006. It is without a doubt one of the most beautiful things ever to appear in the medium of superhero comics; Esad Ribic did the luscious yet simultaneously subdued and highly evocative art, and it perfectly complemented the tragedy of this story. In fact, my understanding is that Ribic painted each and every panel.

I warn you: this story is sad and extraordinarily beautiful. JMS obviously has a huge love for Surfer, and it shows. I don't know anyone who has read SS: Requiem who didn't wind up literally sobbing their eyes out by the end.

Fans of the Spider marriage take note: in retrospect, I have to wonder if JMS knew that Marvel editorial was on their way to ending the Spider marriage when JMS wrote this Surfer mini, because in the context of OMD, the scene I'm posting here reads like a big affirmation of Peter and MJ's marriage and a "f**k you" to the group of people at Marvel that ended it.

Herein are Three Perfect Moments: a One Perfect Moment for the Silver Surfer, a One Perfect Moment for Peter, and a One Perfect Moment for MJ. Actually, let's add another one: it's a One Perfect Moment for Peter and MJ's marriage, too.

Context: Norrin Radd is dying. In this scene, while he's saying his good-byes to Earth before he returns to Zenn-La for his final days, he runs into Peter, and they have a talk.

Norrin wants to give a gift to Earth before he leaves.

And so he does. Oh, boy, he does.

That is what it means to be the Silver Surfer.

But no One Perfect Moment Post is complete without showing one of the most important figures in Norrin's history, that being of course the Ravager of Worlds.

These next scans are from Annihilation: Silver Surfer. One of the few things that the previous iteration of Scans Daily seemed to universally agree upon was that Marvel's Annihilation crossover was absolutely superbly executed in terms of art, writing, continuity, plot, and pacing.

The Annihilation: Silver Surfer miniseries contained what is perhaps the very best scene between Surfer and Galactus that I've ever read.

Context: shit is hitting the fan all over the universe to the point that Galactus is worried. Norrin finds Galactus to ask for his help (!!!), and the following exchange occurs. It culminates in a page of pure distilled AWESOME.

...Yeah, that is freakin' iconic and flat out the essence of what makes both Galactus and Surfer such great characters. Like the above scans from SS: Requiem, it's a perfect alchemy of art and writing.

As if that last page weren't enough, you want to know what happens next? This.

Beat THAT, Scans Daily!

The first set of scans are from Silver Surfer: Requiem #2 with JMS on writing duties and Esad Ribic on art. The second set of scans are from Annihilation: Silver Surfer #3 with Keith Giffen writing and Renato Arlem handling the art.

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