Daily Scans Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
April 13th, 2009
07:46 pm


We can stop the enemies of youth! (Dope Week)

This public service page first appeared in BUSTER CRABBE# 1 from 1951, and was reprinted in DARDEVIL COMICS, CRIME DOES NOT PAY, BLACK DIAMOND WESTERN and MURDER TALES (now THERE's a title that doesn't beat around the bush over what the comic is about). It's typically great Frazetta art; check out the postures and body language, and the faces in the top right (which are just haggard enough). I suppose if it were done today, it might be about crack, showing a teenage girl wearing a short skirt getting in a car with some leering old men. ("She had become ADDICTED TO DOPE and had to SELL HER BODY to get some more dope for HERSELF") but here it's just a bit vaguer. (As an aside, I do get a vague nostalgic twinge whenever I see a PSA in old comics and magazines which suggest that someone with a problem "discuss it with their clergyman". That attitude seems to have been destroyed by scandal after scandal, just as horror movies seldom show a priest with strong faith that can fight the forces of darkness.)


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