Daily Scans
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
03:53 pm [trueredorion]
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Rich and The Worldmind 4 pages from Nova #25.
Tags: char: nova/richard rider, char: worldmind, publisher: marvel comics, title: nova
04:42 pm [sherkahn]
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Wordless preview of Nova #25 And more fallout from War of Kings, as the new Quasar, Richard Rider, takes on the Nova Corps, the Shi'ar and the WorldMind.
Context is for the week
Nova Prime Page worldess previews
Current Mood: amused Tags: char: nova/richard rider, char: quasar/wendell vaughn, char: worldmind, event: war of kings, genre: previews, publisher: marvel comics