There is a lot of precedent for that kind of work, but it's all in the Renaissance and the Victorian eras. There is a very good and clear composition there; I was amazed by it. It's an amazing achievement and I'd really like to know how big it is in real life. It looks like it's meant to be wallpaper.
The thing about Tyr panel is that when you read it at reading speed, it gives the impression of tremendous impact, but when you slow down and take it at studying speed, it begins to sort of...wobble. Same as ML and Vi on the cover.
Ain't much that hits harder than a strong line against the flow of the page.
Oh, that's Colossal Boy there.
If I understand what you're saying there, what you're noticing is that the eye enters from the above right directly over Tyr's hand and to his face, and that's where the wobbling happens. You actually have lines pointing directly at the fist over 120 degrees, from 10 o'clock to 3 o'clock.