I know what you're all thinking, "Shredder's gonna get raped!"
stertchdude requested these scans a few months back, so here they are. Here are the scans on how the Shredder got involved in the Future Shark Trilogy and joined Verminator X and Armaggon.
Given that Shredhead's role in this minor (it's sad that these where the best parts involving him that haven't been posted. Namely the other being him and Verm responsible for Future Raph losing his eye).
I mean this is a fun arc, but if you're a Shredder fan like myself he got the real short end of the stick in this three parter.
From TMNT Adv #43-44.
Ok, I have to ask this cause this always is on my mind when reading this part. This Shredder is from the past? So he's not the present Shredder? Cause the way this is drawn it appears in the past given April's look and Stockman is hanging with Saki.
But in #36 the Shredder in that is the one who appeared in the arc I just posted, #23-25. He was also pretty Stockman-less in the previous two issues, #21-22 as well. Plus wasn't the crytal destroyed? UGH.. this is why I hate time travel sometimes.
Anyway, Armaggon preps his time portal machine with Hitler's brain and the opposite number of a jewel Shredder and Verminator where looking for, but failed to claim in #36.
The portal opens and the turtles (future and present), Splinter, and Ninjara emerge to fight the trio. Amusing line from Saki follows:
During the heat of battle Armaggon grabbing Leo and jumping into the portal with present Raph, Future Donny, and Raph. Just after they enter Armaggon unleashes a missle and destroys his machine.
#44 continues with Ninjara coninuing her duel with Saki:
The rats in the last panel are the Rat King's, who uses this moment to take his revenge on the Turtles. Of course things don't go as planned for poor old Ha'ntaan as Mikey knocks him out. Splinter take's out Verminator while Ninjara:
After that Saki gets a couple panels watching Splinter tear into his sons thanks to Ha'ntaan mind controlling him. That ends when Merdude awakens after being freed (I tried re-reading both #43 and #44 for the life of me I don't see who free's him). The only way I guess he was freed was by Armaggon's missile from #43. Ugh head hurting again, anyway Merdude tricks Verminator into shooting a pipeline that floods the floor with Ha'ntaan and Verminator getting swept away.
What about Saki? We never really see him get swept away, nor mentioned. Poor Shredhead. The next issue #45 marks the "final" appearance he has in TMNT Adv. Least that I can recall or know. He appears via flashback in a retelling of the Turtles' origin.
I guess he's supposed to appear in The Forever Wars, so here's hoping we get some insight into him. From the look of things it appeared he was trapped in the future, but he did make an appearance in Year of the Turtle (a mini written after the Adv was canceled). I have no idea if that's cannon or not with the main Archie verse.
It's wierd that for all these issues we've only gotten one good look inside the man in the metal mask's mind and that was those three issues and #36. So next up on my TMNT scanning spree no Shredder just Leo blind against an equally handicaped Foot Ninja in Tales of TMNT #5. A real awesome story.