The Avengers zip around the world using Authority-style Pym doors, fighting various villains:
Regarding the Cassie/Hank conversation, that's at least better then only her being aware of it (you can quibble with Hank's strategy, I suppose, but I can't think of any other notable alternatives when dealing with someone who last call was basically omnipotent), though that doesn't cover why no one else seems to care.
Pietro fucks it up, as usual, and the other Avengers beam out, leaving him to run after them again; he narrowly misses them in Tokyo, but finally catches up in France and helps them (and local hero duo Blackjack; this is a Dan Slott comic, so there are guaranteed to be some random minor characters you've never heard of):
That's one way to use the Skrull invasion to your advantage; Jarvis calls bullshit on this story, since he never saw Pietro anywhere on the ship in the time of captivity, and Hank agrees, but says it doesn't matter, and Pietro deserves another chance.