dr_hermes (dr_hermes) wrote in scans_daily, @ 2009-10-11 21:10:00 |
Entry tags: | char: baron mordo, creator: steve ditko |
Baron Mordo shot and killed in Los Angeles
This just in. Karl Mordo, evil sorceror who has long been a public menace to our dimension, was killed this afternoon by a single gunshot wound to the head. Apparently this mundane weapon took him by surprise.
In custody, the unnamed perpretator is quoted as saying, "The fool was throwing gang signs. He dissed my hood, I had to pop a cap on his ass."
Mordo's longtime arch-enemy Dr Stephen Strange of New York City reportedly could not stop laughing long enough to make a comment. In lieu of flowers, the Mordo family asks that goats be sacrificed to the Dread Dormammu.