Clois Filler Post
I wanted to post something, so I dug through some of the scans on my computer. And came up with this wonderful collection of cute Clois moments.
Lois and Clark talking together after Superman lost his powers to Bruce. (Take that, Act of God!)
This from an alternate world that exists for about two seconds in Superman/Batman. Written by Loeb, who at least has his OTPs straight.
Clark's demotion combined with Jimmy's promotion has effectively turned Jimmy into a dick. For some reason, only to Clark, though, IIRC. Of course, Lois Lane isn't exactly the type to take any gruff... This scene occurs immediately after she chews Jimmy out for being a dick, which is why she seems sort of stressed at first.
The guy with the shirt makes the scene for me.
This is from Trinity, the mostly bland miniseries most of you should still remember. After the Trinity get erased from the normal DCU, their loved ones go looking for them in an alternative dimension. Where they are gods. They find them and convince them to come back, but frankly, the Trinity!gods are serious assholes who just ignore their loved ones. This, understandably, makes Lois a little bit worried about her relationship with Clark, even after he's not in god form anymore.
And there's that famous silver tongue of Mister Kent.
Clark and Lois's anniversary does not go as nice as planned.
In fact, it's quite a sucky day for Clark, causing him to steal Garfield's schtick and spend most of the comic complaining about Mondays. (But with better reason than everyone's favorite fat feline, it must be admitted.) Luckily, Lois Lane is there to save Superman.