October 2016

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October 25th, 2016

[info]beenasphyxiated in [info]sauvagelines

Hi game, thank you for having me!

I'm DCJ and I've got two kids:

1) Harmony Thomas | 18 y/o Omega Witch, living on his own in his gran's old trailer-type home in Argenta close to the forest. He's repeating some high school so he attends Red Rock High but he keeps himself above water by working part-time at The Flower Patch

In brief, he's very sweet but pretty stupid, plagued by Seer-esque visions of the future and really good with plants and earth-leaning magic. He only had his first Heat when he was 16 so it's still all new to him and he's pretty much a virgin. He's got a wanted line here if anyone was interested in picking up an older Alpha?

2) Aleksandr Volkov better known as Sasha | 19 y/o Omega Werewolf, currently unemployed and living rough wherever he can. He's in Sauvage looking for his older Alpha brother (wanted here) after being disowned by their father when a (forced) Mating to an Alpha friend of the family didn't work out. In relation to that he has PTSD and he's pretty sure he can't have children anymore. He hasn't had a proper Heat for a while and he's in a pretty bad way at the moment.

He's a quiet kid, clever but mostly uneducated, timid and submissive but compassionate. I'd love friends and/or a temporary place for him to stay as well as his Future Mate and the rest of his family

I'd be interested in discussing any other lines and I'm looking forward to playing with everyone!