October 2016

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October 23rd, 2016

[info]tabbriss in [info]sauvagelines

Hello everyone!

Just a quick intro to this guy.

This is Tab Miller, though technically he is the fallen angel Tabbris, angel of self-determination. He has been fallen for hundreds of years now due to broken vows. It was a messy affair, what with him falling in love with a human man and breaking the rules of heaven. Because apparently Angels and humans? Big no no.

Since he has roamed the earth with Louis {[info]duclouis} (who loves him, don't let his attitude fool you) until the establishment of the city. He's been here since the very beginning, even helping set up the city as it is now. He owns Secret Treasures and loves his knick-knacks and pretty much is open for anything. He's definitely been around for a long, long time! It's very likely he knows, well, all the residents.

[info]obailey in [info]sauvagelines

Hey guys! I should've done this ages ago, whoops! This is Bailey Oliveira, one of your resident witches and a tattoo artist at Savage Needles, as well as a part-time day care worker at Dandelion Day Care. He was born and raised in Sauvage City so he's spent his entire life in the city and knows every nook and canny like the back of his mind. He gets some hassle from being an omega tattoo artist from some of the more traditional clients that come in, but Bailey's definitely the kind of kid to stand his ground and run his mouth - which gets him in trouble more often then not.

I'd love all the lines with everyone - clients at the tattoo shop, anyone with kids at the day care, maybe a casual fling or hook-up? And all the friends!