Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - December 27th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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December 27th, 2007

2007 Santa's Lap Master List [Dec. 27th, 2007|12:53 am]


[Current Location |Home]
[Current Mood | tired]

First, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this year's fest. I think we had a great showing for a first year!

There will probably be a few more stragglers popping up on the list, but I don't expect too many. If you see any fics I've left off or mistyped in some way, let me know so I can fix it.

2007 Santa's Lap Master List )
Link7 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Posting Snape/Harry fics/art to WTP [Dec. 27th, 2007|06:00 pm]


[Current Mood | happy]

Wonderful turn out for this fest, happy to see soo much chan, especially Snarry chan =)

*puts on her pimp hat*
I would like to invite any snarry chan fics/art to be submitted to Walking the Plank. We would love to see more chan snarry fics on the site (well at least I would ^_^)
Note: please remember to include an appropriate chan warning for your fics

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful chan and thank you to [info]gnomad for setting up this wonderful Fest!
Link3 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

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