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[23 May 2014|12:41pm]

Someone come play Ron, Hermione and Ginny at [info]thedoorwaymods, please? Harry is very lonely without his friends!

I would also love any and all other trio-era HP characters!

Posted via Journaler.
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[29 Apr 2014|02:18am]

I have a buuuuunch of lines I'd love to have filled at [info]neptunemods, which is a great panfandom game set in the Veronica Mars universe. It's a super relaxed and fun game and even if none of these people strike your fancy, you should definitely look at picking someone up there! Cutting my list because it's ~long.

neptunemods wants! )
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[22 Apr 2014|11:55pm]

This is a very simple wish: New players for [info]triumph_mod. Students or staff, or both. The game's been around for five years and I'll happily plot with anyone interested.
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Looking for players! [20 Apr 2014|06:19pm]

Hi, there! My name is Julia and I mod [info]fourteenshades via [info]ftshadesmods. We are celebrating two years of both character and plot driven stories, but we'd love some fresh blood to add to our cast. Our cast of players and characters is vast, but the nature of the game allows nearly all new characters to slip in without tons of back-story (exceptions are noted on our available page). I currently play Albus Severus Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ernie MacMillan, Mary MacDonald, Michael Corner, Remus Lupin, and Sally Bones. Their journals and brief game histories are listed here.

Lucius Malfoy is on my personal wish list. I'm an active player who can reply to journal entries most evenings of the week (E.S.T). I love to thread on the weekends. Draco has been in game for a long time, but he has many unresolved issues involving his father. After the trials, Draco moved to a secluded cottage where he avoided most of the world for over two years. He refused to see or speak to his father. He has gotten to a point where he understands he (Draco) needs to accept responsibility for his own actions, but he is still grappling with Lucius falling off the pedestal Draco placed him on. Lucius never made him feel good enough to be a Malfoy and he always feared getting disowned. Now? He does not want to be anything like Lucius, but the man is still his dad and he loves him. He needs to find a way to deal with Lucius without being controlled by the need to please him...because he never will. He is quite happily on his way to becoming a blood traitor thanks to harsh war lessons, therapy, and unexpected friendships. Lucius also has his wife, grandchildren, Lestranges, and Blacks waiting for him.

If you are interested in this plot or any other FTS characters, drop me a line! :)
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[11 Mar 2014|10:31pm]

What's up I'm looking for a Hawkeye to play with my Kate Bishop over at [info]disassembled. I'm sure Cap would like a Bucky, Tony a Pepper, and Loki a Thor, too, so go check the place out and apply! The application is really short and the mods have been really nice!
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[03 Mar 2014|01:13pm]

Someone come be the Christian or Rose to my Lissa at [info]reincarnatemods?
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[02 Mar 2014|02:34am]

you wake up...
Maybe you were just about to be crowned prom queen. Or maybe you were falling asleep in your boring physics class. Maybe you were wreaking havoc on a small town in Virginia. Maybe you were being attacked by walkers.

But now that life has been put on pause. Don't worry, you won't remember anything about your life before this moment anyway. Instead you are being brought to New Orleans, Louisiana where you will be given a new identity with new memories and dropped right into the middle of a brewing supernatural war.
welcome to new orleans.
Welcome to New Orleans. Never been here? It has the charm of Charleston, the rhythm of Memphis, and the anything goes attitude of key west. On second though, the best characterization of the city you now inhabit is to say New Orleans is like, New Orleans - and no place else on earth. Known for it's cuisine, jazz music and old world charm - people automatically tie it to Mardi Gras. However under all the party and the good eats, is a city filled with history, tales of voodoo and chaos. The best way to describe the city is by it's favored phrase: "Laissez Les Bonnes Temps Roulez" which means "Let the good times roll".
something wicked this way comes.
Deep in the heart of New Orleans, there exists a coven. Founded in 1694 by a group of witches who had escaped the Salem witch trials, over the centuries this coven has become deeply rooted in the history of New Orleans (even if most aren't aware of it), and specifically the French Quarter. In an attempt to blend in and hide their use of magic, the original leader -- Douglas Bailey -- acquired a storefront, and in the cellar they practiced. It began as a bakery, but as the shop was handed down from leader to leader (usually though the Bailey family itself), it became many things. Recently, in a parody of it's purpose, Hunter Bailey's grandmother made the space into a magic shop in the mid-1980's and it has stayed that way ever since.

The Bailey family has since the beginning proved themselves to be some of the strongest witches in the coven, and it is not surprising that because of this they have continued to lead the coven for more than three hundred years. The coven itself tends to stay within the confines of descendants of the original members, though every once in a while a new member may be allowed in. In recent decades, certain members have resented the Bailey family's monopoly over the coven and feel that it's time for a change. It hasn't helped that a few were not confident in Hunter's ability to lead in the wake of his grandmother's death. This has led to a split, with another faction forming to try and take over...
Are you ready to be cursed?
Game opened March 1, 2014 | Adds are on Sundays and Wednesdays!
premise | rules & faqs | cast list | wanted | holds | apply
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[19 Feb 2014|11:48pm]

Come play with us at [info]cursedmods! We have open lines for both fandom characters and OC's with some really exciting plot in the works!

game info! )
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[17 Feb 2014|07:04pm]

Hello! My name is Julia and I mod [info]fourteenshades via [info]ftshadesmods. Fourteenshades is a multi-generation Harry Potter game that is nearing its two year anniversary. We are running a big plot in March so now is the perfect time to jump in! Due to the nature of the game, players do not need to worry about tons of back-story. When characters exit the game, the slate is wiped clean. There are very few exceptions, which are indicated on the mod page. While we do have many players and characters, new blood is always welcomed so please do not be daunted by size. We will help you acclimate and even email with you during the application process to help you form connections and plot ideas (if wanted, of course).

Our WANTED PAGE lists several story-lines that players are looking to fill, but there are many other roles open for grabs too. We run game-wide events once a month. Some are dark. Some are funny. Some are sad. Individual plotting is encouraged. During action plots, characters are given chances to play heroes, victims, saboteurs, by-standers, etc. We encourage different characters and players to participate to share the wealth. No handful of characters are always the winners (or losers).

Several popular RP roles are still available. Examples include Sirius Black, trio-era Slytherin males, Terry Boot, Neville Longbottom, Scorpius Malfoy**, trio era Ravenclaw males, Helga Hufflepuff, Order members, Dumbledore, Amos Diggory, so on and so forth!

We'd love to see you. ♥

** indicates back-story
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[09 Feb 2014|12:44am]

you wake up...
Maybe you were just about to be crowned prom queen. Or maybe you were falling asleep in your boring physics class. Maybe you were wreaking havoc on a small town in Virginia. Maybe you were being attacked by walkers.

But now that life has been put on pause. Don't worry, you won't remember anything about your life before this moment anyway. Instead you are being brought to New Orleans, Louisiana where you will be given a new identity with new memories and dropped right into the middle of a brewing supernatural war.
welcome to new orleans.
Welcome to New Orleans. Never been here? It has the charm of Charleston, the rhythm of Memphis, and the anything goes attitude of key west. On second though, the best characterization of the city you now inhabit is to say New Orleans is like, New Orleans - and no place else on earth. Known for it's cuisine, jazz music and old world charm - people automatically tie it to Mardi Gras. However under all the party and the good eats, is a city filled with history, tales of voodoo and chaos. The best way to describe the city is by it's favored phrase: "Laissez Les Bonnes Temps Roulez" which means "Let the good times roll".
something wicked this way comes.
Deep in the heart of New Orleans, there exists a coven. Founded in 1694 by a group of witches who had escaped the Salem witch trials, over the centuries this coven has become deeply rooted in the history of New Orleans (even if most aren't aware of it), and specifically the French Quarter. In an attempt to blend in and hide their use of magic, the original leader -- Douglas Bailey -- acquired a storefront, and in the cellar they practiced. It began as a bakery, but as the shop was handed down from leader to leader (usually though the Bailey family itself), it became many things. Recently, in a parody of it's purpose, Hunter Bailey's grandmother made the space into a magic shop in the mid-1980's and it has stayed that way ever since.

The Bailey family has since the beginning proved themselves to be some of the strongest witches in the coven, and it is not surprising that because of this they have continued to lead the coven for more than three hundred years. The coven itself tends to stay within the confines of descendants of the original members, though every once in a while a new member may be allowed in. In recent decades, certain members have resented the Bailey family's monopoly over the coven and feel that it's time for a change. It hasn't helped that a few were not confident in Hunter's ability to lead in the wake of his grandmother's death. This has led to a split, with another faction forming to try and take over...
Are you ready to be cursed?
Game opens March 1, 2014
premise | rules & faqs | cast list | wanted | holds | apply
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[06 Dec 2013|07:00pm]

I would love more cast-mates of The Walking Dead to join Judith at [info]nowhereisland (via [info]nowhereislemods)!
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[27 Nov 2013|01:35pm]

Anyone up for a one off scene where Nine finds out about what happened during the 50th? It could be AU or just a pocket where they'll both forget later, or any other variation really. Just up for some emotionally exhausting sceneing with those two.
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[13 Nov 2013|08:24pm]
Hey! So, I don't know if there's anyone still around interested in this fandom, or if there was even a fandom to begin with, but if you like the movie Newsies, please read! I'm looking for someone to write Spot Conlon against an OC girl of mine in a PSL. If Spot doesn't interest you, I'd also be okay with Kid Blink or Jack Kelly. Spot is really my preference, though.

If this sounds like something you'd like to do, just comment and we can talk! I haven't worked out too many details yet, so everything is pretty open.
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[30 Oct 2013|09:31am]
London, 1884. It's been just over 50 years since the supernatural were integrated into society. Queen Victoria sits the British throne. William Ewart Gladstone is Prime Minister. Steam is the power that runs the world.

ALCHEMISTS, INVENTORS, & MAD SCIENTISTS It's an age of technological advancement and we need the minds that drive it. Be they benign, ambitious, or just a bit off their rocker, The Royal Society of Natural Knowledge's doors are open, as long as they've got the

MAGICIANS & WITCHES Circus performers, craft instructors, business owners, or just mysteriously queer old vagabonds. Whether they're the most famous magician to ever levitate a beautiful assistant for a rapt audience or the stately old witch who sells love potions to gentry out of her tea shop.

SUPERNATURAL INVESTIGATORS Employees in the The Bureau of Unnatural Affairs, aka the supernatural Victorian CSI. Detectives, forensic specialists, mediums, or just menial pencil pushers.

CRIME BOSSES & AGENTS OF THE UNDERWORLD Vampires aren't the only ones who come alive at the night time. There might not be much honor among thieves, but in The Empire, there's at least solidarity -- provided you pay your taxes.
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Fourteen Shades [06 Oct 2013|07:54pm]

Hello! I am here on behalf of [info]fourteenshades via [info]ftshadesmods. After a fabulous seventeen months (!) this Harry Potter multi-era game is still running strong. We currently have 29 creative players and nearly 100 dynamic characters, but don’t let our size daunt you! We regularly add new writers who have an easy time slipping right in thanks to the nature of the plot as well as frequent game wide events that allow each player a chance to shine. It doesn’t matter if you want to play a major or minor canon character – all are treated importantly in FTS. This game has Founders, ghosts, trio era, next-gen, and next NEXT gen! We have Order Members, Death Eaters, DA members, Ministry employees, shop owners, musicians, writers, professors…you get the drill.

You can check here for some currently wanted storylines and here for our complete list of available characters.

Peek under the cut to see why we’re actively seeking AMOS DIGGORY, FABIAN PREWETT, LUNA LOVEGOOD, ABERFORTH DUMBLEDORE, & the PATIL TWINS!

Sneak a peek... )

Adds are done each Sunday. Hope to see you soon! :)
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[info]onceuponamodly wish list [25 Sep 2013|01:05am]

I have a whole slew of character wants for [info]onceuponamodly, which is basically my baby. The game is set in the fictional town of Luna Bay where residents experience vivid dreams and strange abilities that connect them to fictional characters from literature, fairy tales and other pieces of written fiction.

cut for length )

Cross-posted a few places.
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x-posted. [22 Sep 2013|09:12pm]

Looking for fandom (canon, crossover, au) lines, with focus on BtVS, Doctor Who and Supernatural, although I dabble in other fandoms as well. Check the journal!
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[12 Sep 2013|03:00am]

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[25 Aug 2013|01:44pm]


Hello there, I'm Erica. I'm playing over at [info]willowbrookrpg (via [info]willowbrookmods), a game that will be opening September 1st. It's an original mutant RPG that's a lot like X-Men meets Harry Potter. There's the students and the teachers, then there's the good guys versus the bad guys. We're looking for pretty much anything and everything at this point, but I have a couple specific lines I'd like to see.

I need an aunt for my Ksenia Solo face, who is a student in her last year. I'm usually flexible on PBs, but I'd really like Anna Silk as the face of her aunt, mostly because OMG HOW CUTE ARE THEY TOGETHER?! Sorry, I can't help myself. Anyway, she'd be a mutant too, in her thirties, and a member of either the school staff or be one of the Centurions (good guys). I'm currently developing her history, so being able to write something out with someone would be great.

I'm also looking for the little sister of my Zoe Saldana face, who is a Centurion member, though having issues with remaining there. Her little sister would either be a student or a newer member of the Centurions and the reason she's remaining with the good guys. I'm totally open to PB ideas.

Aside from those two, I'd LOVE to see younger students. Kids just coming to Willowbrook who have little control over their abilities. Also, some super evil baddies. Or the definite hero-types for the Centurions.

PM this journal for further contact information, please. :)


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[11 Aug 2013|05:54pm]

taken holds add/remove players

At first glance, it's a nice, normal town. The weather is nice, the scenery is lovely, the townsfolk seem to be just like you and me.

Beneath the surface, though, there's a little bit of weird. Anyone who enters this idyllic seaside town develops strange abilities and begins to have intensely vivid dreams about another life. A life that can't possible be real, no matter how much the dreams feel more like memories that anything else.

The dreams vary from person to person, each living the life of a fictional character in their slumber, each developing strange abilities or characteristics that connect them to that life. To an outsider, it seems bizarre and yet to the residents of Luna Bay, it's commonplace.

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