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Rp Wanted

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[28 Aug 2012|09:59pm]
Stay eternal, and never say goodbye...

You've heard stories of the man with a hook for a hand. You know him as Captain Hook. Bloodthirsty, greedy, and murderous, he's craved Peter Pan's head, along with the lives of the ragtag group of boys who swear allegiance to the Boy Who Never Grows Old.

Peter Pan might spin you that tale. But what of Hook's side? He might call into question Peter's role in child-taking. Does Peter rescue those that are Lost? Or is he bringing them to Neverland to play a part in the game set between himself and Hook? Pawns ready to fight and die for the sake of never-ending life or something much darker.

Which side will you play? Because things are never really as black and white as they seem.


One Imaginary Boy Position Now Available! Choose from: Badger, Cobra, Falcon, Gazelle, Jaguar, Opossum, Owl, Raven, Scorpion, or Shark!

Pirates, Natives, Mermaids, and Townspeople Positions Also Open!


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Forsilvra: Winds of Change [28 Aug 2012|10:19pm]

Five islands, five kingdoms, united under one king. In the cold north, the League of Arbrecht is a fractious lot, always at each others' throats. The Vandermark basks in old honor, and religion that predates everything else. Caught in the midst, Lacharn strives to protect their peaceful culture, where women are allowed equality with men. Caelain, where the royal family of Fontenot comes from, embraces tradition and its own problems. In the farthest south, the desert land of Ahestere hails sophistication unknown anywhere else. To the west lies the island of Forsilvra, home of royal dynasty and the court, where politics dictate the future of five provinces.

Between the five provinces alliances are forged and broken, intrigues abound, and blood runs thicker than water. The nobility fight for power and wealth, influence and position. It is each house for his own, as remnants of a devastating plague leave this world with a boy king on the throne, surrounded on all sides by those who wish to manipulate him for their own gains.

Join this world as an illustrious lord or lady, a gallant knight or a vicious sellsword. Explore the intricacies of court, the desert heats or the colds of north. Forge your own destiny, and change the face of Forsilvra forever.

Game Details:

Format: Messageboard //Vbulletin Software (no ads!)
Genre: Original Medieval Fantasy
Age Limit: 18+
Contact: Jenn *AIM: Kajouka *Email: Kajouka[at]gmail.com
*(Or use the cbox on the website. Highly recommended, as the best way to decide what character to play is to talk to the other members)

What we offer:
- An RPG with only original characters
- An original world that gives you flexibility to create
- Ability to create your own noble house with backstory, or simply join someone else's
- Secret plot points known only by you, the staff, and those you choose to tell, revealed to others during RP
- Highly active game, with 50+ characters and plenty of opportunity to get involved.

What we need:
Wanted Characters
- Cousins, Aunts and Uncles of Province Lords and the Royal Family
- New Banner House Lords and Ladies
- Members of existing Banner Houses, including sisters, brothers, and children
- Knights or other support characters

What we expect:
- Members to read the information provided before making a character
- Members to understand the politics and current events that have happened in game
- Members to realize this is an advanced and mature game, with mature themes

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[28 Aug 2012|10:22pm]

C o m e    E x p e r i e n c e    I s l a n d    L u x u r y




Jobs Available

Set on it's own private island among the Whitsunday Islands (and the Great Barrier Reef) in Queensland, Australia, White Sands Island & Resort, named so for its breathtaking white sand beaches, is rated as Australia's foremost destination resort. Guests are treated to the highest quality food, beverages, amenities and customer service. Everything they could possibly want is at their disposal, and if it's not, it's brought in by the end of the day.

This game is about the people behind the luxury: the ones cleaning the rooms, and serving the drinks. All characters are staff members of White Sands, ranging from housekeepers, to dive instructors, to waiters, to casino staff and more. The staff have full use of all facilities on their time off and are free to use whatever amenities that are available. Everything included in the guest's stay is also free of charge for the staff, which means everything but liquor and the shops around the island. Staff members are encouraged to partake in any of the facilities to better their knowledge of what's available for guests.

What we're about!

A threading based game set in Australia for those who miss the old school days of RP! Character development and interaction are strongly emphasized, as well as both natural and pre-plotted storylines.

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