March 11th, 2008

[info]ulwarthperedhel in [info]rpg_aman_ooc

Following in my mun's grand tradition of stealing ideas (with permission) from her, my home cupboard is now open for questioning. Ask us anything you want to know, or even anything you don't-want-to-know-but-can't-help-wondering.

Note: Melkor, Tevildo, Dru, Shelob, Uldor and I all reserve the right to Lie, to Not Answer, or to Mock You in response.

[info]veantur in [info]rpg_aman_ooc

Oh. Right.

Goodbye zen. It was nice knowing you.

[info]sunmaiden in [info]rpg_aman_ooc

Til? Two words. TANNING BOOTH.

Also, stay out of my element omg.