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[28 Apr 2008|02:43am]


Many popular characters still open!

Most needed characters include:
Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Fred Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Order Members!
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King's Ransom RPG [28 Apr 2008|07:47am]

"Come, take a trip in my airship,
Come sail away to the stars,
We'll travel to Venus,
We'll sail away to Mars..."

It's Modern day and mutants aren't liked. They group themselves together for protection and for other less agreeable reasons. One such group has taken refuge on an airship. There, they can be themselves. They are soldiers of fortune, taking what they want and then escaping into the air. Of course, there are other means of wealth that are more honorable. They harvest lightning, and sell it to the humans on earth who have lost the capacity to do it for themselves. Will you join the crew of the King's Ransom, and seek your fortune? Or will you hunt the dreadful mutants and join the Human International Law Enforcement? The choice is yours.

King's Ransom Mods
[info]glacier Mark
[info]_umbra Jase
[info]light_chaser Ally
Email- kingsransomrpg[at]aol[dot]com
(Email Questions, Comments and Applications to the above address or PM a Mod)

King's Ransom OOC
Rules|FAQ|Storyline Info
Guidelines|Character List|Holds
Want Ads|Application
Friend Add- Locked|Member List- Locked

About the Game

Game Rating: NC-17
Age Limits: 17+
Mutant Based (non-XMen)
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[28 Apr 2008|09:51am]

It's 2006 and Alice is busy planning a wedding, Bella is busy trying to figure out if she's really ready for everything, Jacob is finally back home but hurting and still pinning over Bella, and Heidi is about to set up camp in Port Angeles.

The Volturi are a lot more interested in Bella and the Cullens than the Cullens think. They have been debating how to go about making sure Bella is changed, and new hunting ground.

The story starts a week or so before Heidi comes to America with two other Volturi members. Rachel Black comes home and everything appears to be calming down. That is until more vampires show up... Not just the three Volturi, but the Denali family come down from Alaska for a visit to the Cullen's. They want to know why they've heard rumors about the Volturi coming States side.... Meanwhile the humans are just caught in the middle of mythological battles.

Let the tale begin.

Cast PB's Rules
Application Premise

For Members only: Friend Add Contact List

Wanted: EDWARD CULLEN, SAM ULEY, Rebecca Black, Carlisle Cullen, Mike Newton, and MORE.

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[28 Apr 2008|10:10am]

Love vampires?
Looking for a game?

Characters are going fast,so you better hurry!

current PB's needed:
Juliet Landau,Seth green,Donald sutherland,Julie Benz,Alyson Hannigan&Anthony stewart head!

Oc's are welcome!
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[28 Apr 2008|12:14pm]
[info]shrewsbury. Original premise, talented and friendly writers, no OOC drama, many SLs waiting to be filled!

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[28 Apr 2008|01:27pm]

Wanted Characters

Starting APRIL 18th!

Yes, it is yet another Marauder Era game, fixated on sixth year. The First war has started, and according to The Head Master of Hogwarts, school life will not be interrupted. However, the factions are forming, friends and families are divided by both death and by their own personal choices.


This is a unique new RPG that will attempt to bridge the gap between the canon, slash, and crack Harry Potter role playing worlds. Elysium and Elysium Fields are respectively are the canon world and the "dream"world. The canon game attempts to follow the lives of the Marauders and the Hogwarts students of their era. The "dream world" is where the djinn sweep their victims off to, and there, Most ANYTHING can happen.

Elysium is where Voldemort's strength is gathering, and he and his followers are preparing their sack on London. At Hogwarts, life goes on as usual,and no one is aware of the djinn's presence. There are vague memories of strange dreams, but most of the possessed are too confused by the"dreams" and have little more than vague (fuzzy) memories about what happened in their nightly visions. Eventually, the possess will gather and speak of their so called "memories", and Dumbledore will be involved.

Elysium Fields is our "dream world." Here, as we stated earlier, Most anything can happen. We ask that this site stays friends locked, and even then, warnings and cuts must be placed on the posts. We also ask that the players stay away from illegal activities, and act in an appropriate manner.

The moderators of this journal hold no liability for the posts contained with in and will do their best to effectively and consciously monitor the contents. Any and all liability for content contained in the posts falls to the players involved alone.
Premise. Rules. The "canon" game.
The "dreamland" game.
OOC. Application . Friend.
The Character List
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[28 Apr 2008|01:30pm]


IN THE 1970s, the wizarding world saw the rise of Lord Voldemort, fearsome leader of the movement to eradicate muggles and muggle-borns from the world. The first five years of Voldemort's active stage were relatively quiet though. Very few actually knew an uprising of the purist movement was coming soon - and in the most extreme of ways. Towards the middle of the decade, he and his Death Eaters came more into the forefront, staging attacks on the muggle and wizarding worlds alike. No witch or wizard could believe what was happening. Not since the time of Grindelwald had such havoc been wrought on their world, let alone to the muggles as well.

However, life goes on. People get married, have children, continue living their lives, even with the constant threat over their heads. Students continue to attend Hogwarts and learn, fight, and fall in love. The fifth years prepare for their O.W.L.s. As they hurdle toward their exams, stress, along with the sparks of conflicting ideas, put strains on students and the relationships they hold, particularly one of Lily Evans and Severus Snape. The pinnacle moment of the breaking of their friendship was talked about for months afterwards. Severus Snape called his best friend a Mudblood in a moment of humilation and anger, causing the demise of their friendship, and putting into motion the events and actions that would eventually lead to the death of Lily and James Potter and baby Harry Potter destroying Voldemort the first time.

But... what if it had not happened? What if James had not approached Severus and found something else to direct his attention towards? Would things have been different? Could it have changed the course of history or would Lily and James marry still and have the saviour of the wizarding world? Only time can tell.

Death Eaters are infiltrating Hogwarts by recruiting students within, student's families are being torn apart, and the world is spiraling into a war based on bloodlines. Through all of this, how will Hogwarts students lead their lives? Where will their loyalties fall as they are forced to choose between joining Voldemort or defying him? One thing is certain though: They will feel like they are not in control of their own destinies.

Most wanted characters: Frank Longbottom, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Mary MacDonald, Barty Crouch Jr., Benjy Fenwick, Marlene McKinnon, Rodolphus Lestrange, Arthur and Molly Weasley, Order members, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and many more!
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[28 Apr 2008|02:16pm]
Equinox: A Twilight RPG

“You're not a magnet for accidents — that's not a broad enough classification. You are a magnet for trouble. If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius, it will invariably find you." - Edward Cullen, Twilight

The worst was finally behind them. Victoria and her army of newborn vampires were finally defeated. High school had officially come to a close and graduation had come and gone. Now what Bella Swan left to look forward to? Well there was the matter of her upcoming nuptials to Edward Cullen and, more importantly to her, her promised transformation once the wedding had gone through. Everything was falling into place, at least it seemed.

However, nothing involving Bella Swan ever goes that smoothly.

Equinox is an RPG that takes place directly after the main events in Eclipse.

Many characters are still open and we are actively seeking Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Sam Uley, Emily Young, Embry Call, Charlie Swan, Lauren Mallory, Tyler Crowley, and Rebecca Black.

( Timeline ) ( Characters ) ( Rules ) ( Application ) ( Contact ) ( Questions )

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[28 Apr 2008|03:06pm]


game → [info]eclisse • ooc → [info]notte • mods → [info]cantante

It's been several weeks since Victoria and her newborn vampire army were defeated. The Volturi never returned to Forks, but it's only a matter of time before they investigate to see whether the Cullens had kept their word in turning that captivating human girl among them. The next huge event in Forks is a wedding unlike any that have been seen before. Isabella Swan and her boyfriend, Edward Cullen, have planned to marry August 13, a mere month before Bella's nineteenth birthday.

The Cullen-Swan union heralds the celebration of a lifetime and the end of an era of labored peace. With this wedding (and, consequently, the day Bella will turn into a vampire), the Cullens will have officially broken the treaty of peace with the Quileute Tribe. Being forced from their newfound home, where will the Cullens go? They could move to Alaska, where the Cullens would fit in with the Denali clan; they, too, could move to Hoquiam, where the Cullens had lived during the 1930s. Or perhaps Edward will win his never-ending battle with Bella, convincing her to attend Dartmouth in the fall, thus forcing them to move to Massachusetts. So many choices hinge on one decision: what will happen? Play, and find out.
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[28 Apr 2008|07:09pm]

rules taken characters application premise midnight RP midnight ooc

London was once a very nice place to be. It was once a decent city. Until the Vampires came in.

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