where the bad boys come to play
.:::: ::: .:. .... :.:: :. :.:.

About this journal
This is a private rp, but feel free to watch, if you would like. It will contain much smut, and a good deal of squicky things, including incest, chan and bdsm. We will post warnings. If you have issues, don't read the threads. Simple as that.

September 2009
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Back February 22nd, 2008 Forward
elfflame [userpic]
Ade comes to visit Rab at his place - their first meeting face to face

Warning: Chan, D/s, bloodplay (well, biting)
Comment: Was originally RPd with an Ade who was about 13 or 14, but in Boyz canon, Ade would be about 17 or 18 here, so the chan is light, at best.

Together at last )

Rpd 4/11/07

elfflame [userpic]
OOC: Request

I keep using that same icon again and again...  But I have a TON of Rab, and lots of icon space.  So...your task, if you should choose to accept it (I assume this would be easier for Kit than Zille, since you probably remember some of my icons...), is to suggest icons you'd like me to use for him, so I don't keep repeating myself.

I do have some violin ones, I should upload one of those, but...what else?  Feel free to suggest it however.  Mood, links, etc. :)

*snugs you both*

elfflame [userpic]
A family discussion of a different sort

Warning: Incest, chan
RPd 2/22/07

In the afterglow )


elfflame [userpic]
Rab, Ro and Punk Rock

Warning for Incest

Stir Crazed )

RPd 6/11/07

Back February 22nd, 2008 Forward