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Monday, March 17th, 2014

    Time Event

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    This is the seedy beach town of Neptune, California, where nothing happens accidentally. That's why when characters from our favorite books started walking off the pages and characters from every movie, television show, and web series imaginable started showing up here, it was such a huge deal. It's not the first time Neptune has been under the scrutiny of the national public eye, either. When my best friend Lilly Kane was murdered, they turned this town upside down, but that was 10 years ago.

    People think of Neptune as glamorous, home to movie stars, but when the class war comes, Neptune will be ground zero. Or at least that's what I used to think. Now, I'm not so sure. These "displaced individuals" - as the media so loves to call them - have changed everything, and I'm going to find out why they're here and how to get them back home. My name is Veronica Mars and I've got one more for the books.

    WANTED: Characters from Veronica Mars, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, The Marvel Cinematic Universe and Once Upon a Time.
    [info]slushees: Artie, Dani, Mike, Mercedes, Kitty, Ryder, Jake, Sugar Motta, Joe Hart, Unique, Brody Weston, Chandler Kiehl, Adam Crawford, Jesse St. James, Shelby Corcoran, Cooper Anderson & more!
    The Secrets We Keep
    Everyone has a secret. Maybe you kissed your dorm-mate one butterbeer-soaked night after the big quidditch game. Oh, everyone knows about that one, you say? Well, do they know how much you liked it? About how it made your toes curl and that you've compared that snog to every snog since and found them lacking? I didn't think so. As we've said. Everyone has a secret. But worry not, we won't tell.

    After all, secrets have a way of outing themselves. How long do you think you'll be able to keep yours hidden from everyone?

    There is no world in need of saving. That's been done. The only thing left to worry about is saving yourself.
    We are actively and happily looking to fill character spots in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff as well as the generation outside of Harry's year. Gameplay begins: APRIL FIRST

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