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Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

    Time Event
    interitio: an AU Harry Potter RPG
    interitio: an au harry potter rpg
    All witches and wizards, when they come of age, are required to accept the Mark. Any witch or wizard who refuses will be under suspicion of being disloyal to the Supreme Lord and denied certain rights and privileges due all acceptable members of society.

    Parvati Patil

    Ernie Macmillan

    Pansy Parkinson

    Ron Weasley

    Susan Bones

    This Could Be You

    Neville Longbottom

    Anthony Goldstein
    threads ¤ ooc ¤ mod

    premise ¤ timeline ¤ laws and regulations ¤ rules/faq

    available/held ¤ cast/pb list ¤ apply ¤ wanted ¤ mod drop box
    Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Megan Jones, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Padma Patil and more! Also seeking: Frank Longbottom, Peter Pettigrew, Dedalus Diggle, Barty Crouch Jr, Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley, Katie Bell ... and others listed here

    Come on down to [info]casagrandemod where you can take a stroll on downtown and never know exactly who you're going to meet! Our Directory (male and female) is located Here, and Here. Our Wanted list of characters can be found here but please feel free to bring whomever!

    Apply today!
    the boomers :: a harry potter next gen rpg

    "I guess when it comes down to it
    Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up
    these are the best days of our lives."

    It's the start of 2023, the 25th Anniversary of the end of the war will be later this May. Purebloods are a dying breed, halfbloods and blood equality are wildly accepted, sentient creatures are attaining more and more equal rights with each passing day. Blood status still technically exists, but the ruling theme of this generation seems to be 'who cares? I can't believe we fought over this stuff in the past'. The elite purebloods are few and far in number, and don't hold anywhere near the social and political clout they once did. Don't let it all fool you, the Muggle and Magical worlds still remain firmly divided, and whatever Muggle struggles have happened in the past 25 years haven't breached the walls of the Wizarding world.

    For these kids, born in the baby boom after the war, life is perfect ... or as perfect as it can get when you're a witch or wizard.

    ¤ premise ¤ rules/faq ¤ family lists
    ¤ taken/available cast ¤ pb list ¤ apply

    The Boomers is a social RPG that follows the next-generation of Hogwarts students as they come of age in an incredibly peaceful society.

    [info]the_boomers NOW OPEN!

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