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Thursday, January 19th, 2012

    Time Event

    What if the Greeks had been right?

    Although thousands of years have passed since the Greeks were the magnificent empire of yore, the memorable persons that populated their fables and their explanations -- gods and goddesses, heroes and nymphs, muses that bring their inspired artists to their knees -- have been forgotten as truth and instead regarded as beautiful, if fictional, characters. Angered by the disrespect the human race has paid them, the Olympian gods devised a plan: go down to earth, as they were wont to do, and stir things up. After all, hadn't they done that so many times before, interacting with the mortal men of their creation to satisfy a bit of boredom? They needed to be taught a lesson.

    Except for one thing: without the power of belief and faith behind them, the gods found their powers a bit... lacking. Rather than ending up on earth as the all-powerful beings who brought mortals trembling to the ground, they ended up as... mortals. Mortals who just so happened to be reincarnated mythological figures. Mortals who just so happened to be reincarnated mythological figures in New York. As their memories come through, will it disrupt the lifetime of personality they have set up for themselves? How will it affect their relationships? And will they ever be able to exact their revenge?

    Letalis is a Greek mythology game that uses premades as a starting device for CR with other players. We encourage our prospective players to not only think outside the box when it comes to plot but also to feel free to break away from the premade description as the game evolves. We are hoping to be a dynamic community heavy on relationships and character development as the cast reconciles their identities as both mortal men and women and the gods and goddesses of mythos.

    opens: friday the thirteenth, january


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    Absolution is a post-DH game, set in the 1998-1999 school year. It focuses on the rebuilding of the wizarding world through the eyes of the students of Hogwarts and how they deal with the rebuilding of their school and the memories of what happened the previous year. Muggleborns try to return to the lives they had a year before. The children of Voldemort's supporters try to deal with the new stigma that befell them. Those who fought at the Battle try to cope with what they experienced. And everyone tries to mourn their losses and move forward.

    Most Wanted: sixth years, "eighth" years, Molly Carmichael, Cecilia Barbary, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Geoffrey Hooper, Nathan Boot, boys, Ravenclaws, Slytherins... and many more!


    Welcome to the year 8700.
    Nothing is the same

    They say history is doomed to repeat itself if we don’t look back and learn from our mistakes. But easier said than done when your history goes back thousands of years. No one remembers the names Voldemort, Harry Potter, or Albus Dumbledore, even though they played a significant role in how history turned out; the residents of the year 8700 may not know their names, but things would have turned out a lot different for them if the events of the 1980s and 1990s hadn't unfolded as they did.

    Then again, maybe not.

    No one knows how they got there, just that one by one, people have started waking up in a time not their own. And not all of them are from the same reality either. It’s our decisions and circumstances that shape our lives, and the residents and travelers alike are about to get a crash course in just how easily their lives can be affected.

    How they choose to react to this knowledge is up to them, but one thing is certain: they won’t be the same.

    Join us if you’d like a chance to live again.

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    where can I play lucius malfoy?

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    Roadmaps - Marauders Era- AU RPG
    Roadmaps is an AU Mauraders Era RPG centered around the hunt for the Horcruxes, which have been scattered across the globe... › Premise - Cached

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