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Friday, May 6th, 2011

    Time Event
    Ashford Manor
    Ashford Manor

    "Sometimes the weather here is delightful. I enjoyed having tea outside yesterday. It was very least, until one of the maids discovered a book in the library that opened up a portal to another dimension where a dragon was being kept. It took hours for the staff to clean out the corpse after defeating it. I better buy another carpet, I don't believe dragon's blood is likely easy to remove after the stains set in." - August L. Ashford on a typical day in Ashford Manor.

    It has been whispered among many circles that there's something unusual about the main Ashford family and their home. It's been said that many ages ago, a god of chaos and a muse fell in love and bore one child. When that child fell in love with a human woman, the Ashford family lineage began. Perhaps it is the diluted blood of the gods that draws such strange occurances and unique characters to them and their home.

    Welcome to Ashford Manor, where the upper class and somewhat-mysterious Ashfords live. Ashford Manor is a strange but not altogether unsettling place so large that no one has ever quite been able to finish counting the rooms in it, yet everyone tends to find their way around well enough. It's a warm, chaotic, crazy, calm, hilarious and startling ride to even just live in the Ashford manor, let alone try to keep the place running. It takes a myriad of butlers and maids to run the place and keep the upper class citizens they work for content. They work hard and play hard, and it hasn't been unknown for the staff to sometimes face dragons, pirate raids, talent scouts and genre-shifts. Despite this, somehow people from all walks of life end up working here - regular humans, cyborg ninjas, necromancers, shapeshifters, elves and aspiring celebrities alike are not rare occurances here, though some will never feel that such things are relatively close to normal. Ashford Manor is a place where you might find the place you belong...or that the place you belong has been stolen by space pirates. Sometimes it makes the people you work for look normal!

    GAME STARTS: May 15, 2011 or when we gain 18 characters, whichever comes first.
    Current Character Count: 10.

    We're currently looking for maids and butlers; maybe a few upper class people to stay at the Ashford Manor too!


    Ashford Manor is an RPG loosely based off the tabletop Maid RPG. You don't need to know anything about it to be able to play this, as every piece of information you need will be provided to you on your way in! The gist isn't to focus on rolling random dice while playing the game, but to create a fun, dramatic group of characters to interact with each other. It's designed to have something for almost everyone - humor, drama, action and slice of life moments!


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    Character Creation
    Maid | Butler | Noble
    Optional | Wanted | Premade

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    Ashford Mods

    Members Only
    Contact Information
    Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide



    maskerade -- opens may 12th

    "The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown."

    It's 2011 in the New New York City- parallel in every way to its namesake, save for the fact that fictional characters are as alive as any of us and roam the streets undetected. Some of these Fictionals have taken it upon themselves to fight back against the crime and corruption that comes hand in hand with New York; still others see no reason to fight the inevitable; the less moral go as far as to join in the fray. Who will you be and what will you stand for?

    Maskerade is a panfandom essences game looking for players who like plot without player-drama. We open May 12th and we’d love if you joined us!

    OUR MOST WANTED: Torchwood’s Gwen Cooper seeks the rest of her team. Chuck’s Chuck Bartowski seeks Casey, Morgan, and Bryce Larkin. Indiana Jones seeks Marion Ravenwood. Britt Reid seeks Kato. And the entire game pleads for female characters and comic book muses!
    Welcome to the Maskerade.
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