Jun. 12th, 2011


massblog: entry / when: afternoon

Private )

As a member of the dining staff, it is my civic duty to ensure that all of our kitchenware is up to standard. I will be venturing into town for new cooking utensils, seeing that our current selection is rather dull.


Jun. 8th, 2011


Massblog: Entry / When: Evening

My brother suggested I should utilize this system to inquire feedback for a poem I am currently composing.

...So here it is:

Sun-drenched apple tree
Yields fruits of sun-kissed sweetness
Without rotten cores.

...Do not feel as though you must give too much feedback, please.

I have been terribly rude to our newest guest, Lady Laurent. I have... been otherwise occupied. I hope you are enjoying your stay.

May. 31st, 2011


Massblog: Status Update / When: Afternoon

I'm back!

It seems that I've missed the arrival of a few new people? I am so sorry! It would've been my pleasure to greet you sooner, but I was out to town on errands for the mansion.

My name is Cassandra Rowe. I'm on household duties. If there is anything that you need, please be sure to let me know.

[ooc: Just checked the moon phases, and it's like the beginning of the new moon. There goes my one excuse. xD So pretend that she was out on errands for the house... lots of errands. And that Cassandra has been working at Ashford Manor for about five months.]

May. 25th, 2011


massblog: status update / when: morning

Unviewable by Nobles )

May. 24th, 2011


Massblog: Status Update/Time: Morning

Hey hey everyone! I was recently brought on by Master August. I owe him a favor, I guess you could say.

Just so everyone knows, you'll most likely find me in the kitchen cooking up things! I love to cook! I hope to get to know everyone here and I can tell

Sorry. I got distracted and kind of walked off. Hah. But anyway! Hope I can make some new friends!
See you all out and about!

May. 20th, 2011


massblog: status update / when: morning

I tried that lubricant last night, Lady Marguerite! It was scented with chamomile, I noticed. Well done, indeed!

Private )

May. 19th, 2011


massblog: status update / time: afternoon

My, I should properly introduce myself, shouldn't I!

Greetings to the inhabitants of Ashford Manor! I am Marguerite Alameda Trisha Lucia Philena Laurent! I am a guest of Lord Ashford, and I hope to make the acquaintance of everyone here. I have already had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Liam. I have situated my room and am making use of the science labs on the second floor. Please tell me what you like - I love making gifts for all of my new friends! I can grow a nice plant, I can make a hearty medicine brew, I can fix something of yours which is broken, I can...I make hats! Hats with sayings on them.

For instance, mine says STOP WHALE HUNTING.

For the record, we really should. I'm going to start a petition!

May. 17th, 2011


Massblog: Status Update / Time: Afternoon

Alright, I've re-built the wardrobe that got bashed up during that banshee fiasco. 

Any volunteers to help me move it back in?


Massblog: Status Update / Time: Morning

[Posted to Massblog, the LJ/Facebook equivalent. He posted this before he went to clean.]

Classical music does not belong in my dreams. Nor does it have a place in waking me up unless it involves a woman.

[ooc: Referring to August's playing the piano last night. Shouldn't've been loud enough to wake most people, but who knows, some people might've noticed the pretty tune. Julius certainly did.]