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Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

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    Erised Kingdom - a Post DH AU game

    In 1998, just after Lord Voldemort delivered the killing curse to Harry Potter, a peculiar incident occurred. A light flashed over all of Britain and then there was a deafening silence. A country of over fifty million was suddenly reduced to less than a hundred thousand. Cities became ghost towns as all of the muggles disappeared off the British Isle. The interruption was enough to turn the tides in favor of the Death Eaters, and by sunrise, they had declared victory.

    Now five years later, the Voldemort Regime has enacted harsh laws to restrict all but those who are loyal to the Dark Lord. Muggleborns have been reduced to either slaves or criminals, laboring for the Dark Lord or on the run from his hit wizards. Those loyal to the Dark Lord have been given large swaths of land, and prestigious positions in the wizarding government. Those who are not have had their homes, jobs, businesses and even children stripped from them.

    With muggleborn rebellions on the rise, and criminals organizing, the country is turning more and more violent, and the only solution seems to be to find where the muggles have gone, and how can they get back to the old world?

    Most Wanted:
    Weasley boys, Michael Corner, Terry Boot, Terence Higgs, Greg Goyle, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Lupin, Younger characters!
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    Oh Marvelous: A Marvel Universe Game
    every misdeed has a motive

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    Ever wondered how a famous Hollywood celebrity lives? If any of the rumors in the tabloids are true? Here's your chance to find out! Welcome to Hollywood Celeb RPG! Will officially open after 10 apps!


    We speak your language...

    Evergreen Peak is a resort city in the mountains of Colorado. To outside eyes the place is just another resort city with it's beautiful mountains and picturesque seasons, but not everything is as it seems. Evergreen Peak has secrets. It has drawn quite the supernatural crowd - the Were's like it because of the vast nature areas surrounding it, the Vampire's like it because winters are long and they have many places to set up home, and humans love it for the skiing, snowboarding and wilderness preserves it offers. The world has become acquainted with Vampires and Weres, but not everyone has quite gotten used to living with them as neighbors. Here the population has settled into an uneasy peace - the Vampires can be vicious, cruel creatures. The Weres can be unpredictable and territorial, and the humans are left in the middle. Not belonging to either group, but trying to find their own way in the world. It's life as you know it, spiced up with a dash of supernatural mayhem and fun.

    You never know what's lurking around the corner...
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    The Omega Reality



    The Omega Reality

    Game Started:
    November 1, 2010

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    October 1, 2010: The U.S. government of the Omega Reality conducts a secret experiment in quantum physics. Their goal is to construct a means for the U.S. military to travel between alternate realities. But, something unexpected happens. Instead of creating a means of leaving the Omega Reality, they cause a rift that allows someone from another reality, our reality, into the Omega Reality.

    Leon Vance, Director of NCIS, finds himself in the exact location where the experiment has taken place. Captured by the U.S. military upon arrival, Leon is questioned extensively. It is during questioning he becomes aware something is different. More than the differences between governments in separate realities, this is something about himself. By the time he realizes he has the ability to sense when others arrive through the new rift, these new arrivals have already begun to make their own way in this new reality.

    He is not the only new arrival to have discovered a new power within themselves, powers the natural inhabitants of the Omega Reality do not posses. And some of these new arrivals are delighted to abuse their new-found powers for personal gain at the expense of the citizens of the Omega Reality.

    Driven by his sense of duty and a desire to help stop the corruption coming into the Omega Reality from his own, Leon uses his political savoir faire to get himself named as Head of the newly formed Interdimensional Criminal Investigation Service (ICIS). The newly arrived Henrietta Lange becomes his closest alley.

    Now, they must work together to organize ICIS and find a way to help these new arrivals adapt to the differences between the two realities.

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