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Monday, October 18th, 2010

    Time Event
    IT'S A NEW ERA...
    "What do you mean we're going to stay this color several days?! I have a meeting this afternoon with the new clients. Would you take a pink man seriously?"

    -Bryce Dunstan

    It's 2005 and the magical community is changing. New technologies are being introduced, and research compounds are popping up all over the country in an effort to develop new and better spells. One in particular, known simply as The Facility, is presumed to be the best. If only there weren't so many incidents occurring on the road to progress. Especially since those incidents seem to be affecting more than just the scientists involved...

    Oops, My Bad is a situational Harry Potter RPG dedicated to character development through interesting and unusual plot devices. It is a canon, non-epilogue compliant game that strives to balance the fun and drama.


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