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Saturday, November 28th, 2009

    Time Event



    Once you leave home, you can never go back.

    Taken/Wanted Characters
    Player Directory (Friends Locked)
    Friending Button(Friends Locked)
    Canon Puncturing
    Located in a reality separate from any other reality is a city named Fallenpoint. Nobody knows how old this city is, or exactly how it came to be. It’s not a desolate city by any means. Over 1,000,000 people live in Fallenpoint; the economy is excellent; and the residence are happy for the most part. One day the city, as if having a will of it’s own, begins to pull people in. Sometimes the city may invite a person, but most of the time it simply drags the person from their world into this one.

    When a character arrives, they find themselves in the central square. They find that they’re now carrying a bag of sorts. Inside of this bag is a netbook, the keys to their new home, and a credit card containing the equivalent of $10,000. Pretty soon characters find out that they’ve brought something along with them.

    Their own realities.

    The city of Fallenpoint has also pulled in several realities, and placed them within the pockets of it’s own reality. Characters soon discover that they can go back to their own realities, or to any other reality that is available. Those seeking to go home, however, will discover that their home world has changed dramatically. Certain events may not have happened, events may have been altered, people may be dramatically different, but one thing is for sure:

    Once you leave home, you can never go back.

    Fallen Point is a panfandom game that accepts AUs and Original Characters




    And Dark Realms- RPG






    The Beyonder a being known to have god like power; a being that ushered what certain hero’s of Earth would call secret wars. But the Beyonder has been caught off guard in his period of rest. A dark rift opened a door way to the Nether realm where a dark Fallen Elder god used to enter the Beyonder’s presence. The dork lord with the use of magic merged with the Beyonder distorting the god like power to his own gains.

    Lord Shinnok is weakened due to his restful state. He turned his dark and evil eye to earth and other places. With the merger of the two gods Shinnok can begin his new found quest to open the gates of Chaos and usher a age of darkness for all in creation. Those with black heart form all time and space have already sworn allegiance to him.

    Because of this disturbance of the Beyonders realm it leads to time rifts dimensional rifts bringing people from alternate universes where alchemy is a accepted science and the mystic arts are just as potent. Where time rifts open where earth is part of a federation of planets.

    Doors to realms like outworld are opened and people slipping through. In and out. What will be done? who notices? What are people doing. What are the rifts having on the earth natural cycle……you decide!

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