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Friday, October 23rd, 2009

    Time Event
    The year is 1978. The war against the Death Eaters has been boiling under the surface for almost a decade now. It was little things at first, easy to ignore, escalating to bigger attacks, bigger crimes, and of course, retaliation. Now the country is about ready to tear itself apart as the Ministry steps up their attempts to defeat Voldemort and no one is really sure who they should trust, if they should trust anyone at all. Who can you turn to when your own government is as likely to kill you as the masked criminals roaming the streets?

    Even the muggles are starting to notice. Attacks in muggle places are becoming more frequent, the Death Eaters getting more bold. And everyone is asking the same question.

    How long before it's open war?

    The First War is a Post-Warts, MWPP era RPG. We are canon through November 1st, 1978 and then we diverge, allowing the characters to tell their own stories.

    Currently we are most interested in: Order Members, Death Eaters, and MLE Employees
    Death Eaters
    [info]_thefirstwar_ [info]_firstwar_ooc [info]_firstwar_media [info]_firstwar_hist

    Applications now Open. Gamplay beings November 1st.



    Once you leave home, you can never go back.

    Taken/Wanted Characters
    Player Directory (Friends Locked)
    Friending Button(Friends Locked)
    Canon Puncturing
    Located in a reality separate from any other reality is a city named Fallenpoint. Nobody knows how old this city is, or exactly how it came to be. It’s not a desolate city by any means. Over 1,000,000 people live in Fallenpoint; the economy is excellent; and the residence are happy for the most part. One day the city, as if having a will of it’s own, begins to pull people in. Sometimes the city may invite a person, but most of the time it simply drags the person from their world into this one.

    When a character arrives, they find themselves in the central square. They find that they’re now carrying a bag of sorts. Inside of this bag is a netbook, the keys to their new home, and a credit card containing the equivalent of $10,000. Pretty soon characters find out that they’ve brought something along with them.

    Their own realities.

    The city of Fallenpoint has also pulled in several realities, and placed them within the pockets of it’s own reality. Characters soon discover that they can go back to their own realities, or to any other reality that is available. Those seeking to go home, however, will discover that their home world has changed dramatically. Certain events may not have happened, events may have been altered, people may be dramatically different, but one thing is for sure:

    Once you leave home, you can never go back.

    Fallen Point is a panfandom game that accepts AUs and Original Characters

    Looking for a writer willing to play a male for my girl. Roommate, with potential for coupling expansion if interested. Darker line, please contact asap if interested.
    PLAGUED RPG - Are you infected?


    A virus is sweeping its way through the corridors at Hogwarts. A virus that inhibits the use of even the most basic magic. The Ministry have declared a state of emergency and placed a magical quarantine around the school, trapping the disease, and everyone inside.

    But it's not just students confined to the Hogwarts grounds.

    One by one wizards find themselves losing their ability to perform even the simplest of spells. But even as they struggle to try and discover a cure, darker forces are beginning to close in on the school...

    With their worlds suddenly turned upside down, will the students be able to pull together once more, or will this be one hurdle too big for them to overcome?

    Wanted characters: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Katie Bell, Kevin Entwistle, Death Eaters, Original Student Characters and more!
    // [info]plagued_mods || [info]plagued_rpg || [info]plagued_ooc \\
    Premise || Characters List || PB List
    Rules || The Virus || Application


    August 1st 1997 was the date that changed the Magical world for ever: battle raged inside the Ministry as Death Eaters fought Aurors and Ministry officials for the control of the Ministry for Magic -- and the control of Wizarding England. The Order of the Phoenix found out hours too late, and by that time, Voldemort had won.

    While the Death Eaters have been running the country, slowly but surely destroying all that was good about wizarding society, Voldemort has been examining the veil in his quest for immortality. What happens in the Department of Mysteries is hidden but what is known is the sudden appearance of the long dead around Diagon and areas of highly concentrated magic. They are lost, confused and out of their time.

    Only time will tell if Voldemort will discover the secret of the veil before Harry Potter finds the horcruxes. Can the hope of an entire world rest on the shoulders of three seveteen year olds?

    Can there be hope even in the DARKEST OF TIMES ?

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