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[14 Jan 2010|12:18am]
Marvel Team Up is looking for players. Experience is preferred. Desired characters are Eddie Brock/Venom, Mary-Jane Watson, Pepper Potts, Kitty Pryde, Ben Grimm/The Thing, Warren Worthington/Angel/Archangel, Captain America, Spider Woman, Wonder Man, Doctor Strange, Hulk, and more. If interested, please fill out an application. They can be found at the link provided.
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[14 Jan 2010|12:54pm]


{an au roleplay experience}

City Map
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You awaken in a room that is devoid of decorations. You are lying on a small cot, a table beside you. Upon the table is a device, similar to that of a PDA. Closer inspection reveals your name inscribed upon the back below an insignia the likes of which you have never seen.

The device is on. On the screen is
a note, written in your native tongue. Once the letter is finished, it disappears and in its place is a map leading you to your assigned housing. The door to the room opens at this time and a computerized voice tells you to exit. The corridor is long and narrow. It deposits you out onto an unfamiliar street. The city is large, the architecture foreign. The door behind you closes and you are left alone.

Feel free to explore. You cannot leave the city but all of your needs will be met. Anything you can want, within reason, can be found here. The locals are mostly friendly and compassionate. Their duty is to make your stay here a comfortable one. After all, you are their guest. You are their responsibility.

You are now a member of Project Papillon.

[[info]projectpapillon is an au, panfandom rp experience; all characters must be au representations of their canon counterparts]

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Taking a Mulligan [14 Jan 2010|02:47pm]

"Miss Parkinson, please exercise decorum when reminding everyone how Mister Smith screams like a girl."

Premise - Rules - Character List - Character Info - Portrayed-Bys - Wanted - Application

looking for: Sixth Years, Neville Longbottom, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, Professors.
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[14 Jan 2010|03:29pm]


In 1954 when Grindlewald was at the height of his reign over Europe a hero descended on him with a group of like minded individuals and ended the sweep of terror that was plaguing the Wizarding World. That great Hero was Tom M. Riddle. You might have heard the story as it being Albus Dumbledore but this is a different tale. It changed so many things and now with Minister Riddle heading the British Ministry the Wizarding World is a far different place. Albus Dumbledore never received the prestige and honor of downing such a threat. He never even became headmaster of Hogwarts, no chocolate frog card; he is merely a bright wizard that never reached his full potential.

There is no such thing as interaction with the Muggle World. The first task of the Department of Mysteries was to device a way to pinpoint muggles carrying magical children. When that was accomplished all expecting mothers of magical children were taken to the Wizarding World. The woman is paired to a fostering magical family expecting a child around the same time. When the children are born they are called Magical Twins. The muggle woman is obliviated and deposited back in her world with no idea where her child has gone or that she was even carrying one. These twins are treated no different from any blood related children of their parents. It is a gift to raise a child in such a way giving them a better life then they could have had otherwise. Blood classification has been abolished. A magical child is only that, a magical child.

[info]path_not_taken is a 6th Year MWPP AU Game with an altered time table to allow for multiple interactions centered on Hogwarts.

Game opens FEBRUARY 1st.
Most Wanted: Gilderoy Lockhart, Merek McGonagall, Prometheus Riddle, Sebastian Riddle, Faculty, Magical Twins, Gryffindors, Hufflepuff Males
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numeri ( au marauder era rpg ) [14 Jan 2010|07:31pm]


If you’ve been living under a rock, allow The Prophet to clarify the fact that the world as you know it is at war. Since the beginning of the year 1979 your coworkers are no longer to be trusted; neither are your neighbors, your friends, nor even your grandmum sitting with that beady look in her eyes over her knitting. There is a call to arms and a race to fill every seat within the jostling Ministry of Magic, some desperate struggle for power on the edge of a gleaming city that exists only in the minds of the disillusioned. As the clock ticks away the minutes of an unraveling time, more are dying, magical and muggle alike. Take heed, youthful pioneers of a world burning to the ashen ground! Set forth and lament the losing’s, reap the ruptured, or comfort the condemned.

Your character will be given a number, one that might be drawn at random in order to facilitate plot within the game. Each week this will determine whether they are kidnapped, given a Ministry position, contract memory loss, or are senselessly tortured for information they may or may not have. The list goes on. Chance however, is the only mistress in which you can find unwavering loyalty.

This is an AU Marauder era game set in a war zone. The Order of the Phoenix and Death Eaters are struggling for power within the Ministry of Magic. It is a race against time with the pendulum swaying precariously between two very different futures. Trust no one but yourself.

[info]numbering [info]numeri [info]numeros
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Whittle Well [14 Jan 2010|08:06pm]


"If a universe can be imagined, it exits."
Professor M.R.Franks, Member, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

A revolution has recently taken place within society’s attitude towards certain laws and civil rights. This transformation has left many traditionalists scared and fighting but most have been liberated due to the changes and are keen to allow them to continue. Mainly the rights for women and children have altered drastically. The change to female rights is almost immediately noticeable with the change of fashion.
Medical and scientific understanding has improved and the experimentation for artificial limb use and ‘upgrades’ to the physical being are becoming highly fashionable however extremely costly.

Whittlewell is the capital city of the British Empire and is on the cutting edge of the steam revolution. Its advances in air ship travel and compact innovations for steam capability are the envy of the world and have lead to the boon in wealth. However the gap between rich and poor is ever expanding.

The year is 1865 and you are invited to come and join us.

Whittle Well RP

We are now open and currently accepting applications!

So if you are interested in a victorian, steampunk-esk RPG come take a look!
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Applications Open Again! [14 Jan 2010|11:01pm]

"My name is Magneto and what I am about to tell you is going to make some of you very angry."

Things were in a quiet state of tension for years within the Marvel Universe. Occasional attacks by mutant hate groups and legislation from pro-registration politicians popped up, created excitement, and died down. Spider-man was made a hero and a villain in the eyes of the public on a constant basis. The world was never really safe for the mutated, but there was a safe haven. Xavier's Institute for the Gifted was headed by Charles Xavier and his long time friend, Erik Lehnsherr. Then things changed.

In December a group of students were caught in the middle of a Hydra attack and, while saving the lives of thousands of humans on the Staten Island Ferry, killed one pretty-boy celebrity. The media went into an uproar and the faces of Gambit, Black Cat, and Purple Man were everywhere. The school was under lock-down. Nobody visibly mutated was allowed outside. That didn't keep them safe.

On January 8th Sentinels tore apart the school, killing three students and sending the rest fleeing for a safe house. Less than a week later Erik Lehnsherr hijacked the local broadcast station and played a message to all mutants, calling for defense against their human adversaries.

The school was split. Fury began forming teams to fight threats of groups like Hydra and the Purifiers. Now a once harmonious existence is fractured.

[info]team_up has been alive and thriving since May 1, 2009. Recently we restructured the character list and it's causing some fantastic interaction. New, never before available characters, are on the list. Team Up is seeking new applicants today!
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