Sep. 18th, 2011


Sep. 6th, 2011


Secure transmission via voice and text to established members of the NG

Secure transmission via voice and text to Nexus, Beam, Tactus, Pandora, Noise, Napalm, Biokin, Sonic, Vulcan, Metro Man and Luci from Dispatch )

Aug. 26th, 2011


Mass comm: Text all #'s she has, Email to everyone @ Byrne, Public Facebook post, jourals, etc

It seems like a lot of people have had a rough week. Who wants to go clubbing? :)

(Additional mass communication)
The club we're looking at visiting is The Guvernment in Toronto, Canada on Sunday. It's supposedly one of the ten best dance clubs in the world. It's a pretty rockin' place if I do say so my self! So make sure to bring your passports! :D

There is a cover if you check their website, but don't let that deter you from going, I'm sure we can work out a deal! Just worry your self with looking hot and making it to the door. ;)

Aug. 21st, 2011


[call to Night Guard from the Aurora League]

This is Thetis of the Aurora League. )


text backdated to Friday night

Jul. 24th, 2011


text to Sam

Jul. 19th, 2011


Picture Message to Stephen Mahoney

Picture Message to Sam Ashley