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Jun. 11th, 2012


Wha?'s Christine again. I also bring forth Frazel. She's part of the Aurora bit. She's 19, very rebellious, somewhat free minded. She can control blood. BUT! She needs to absorb blood for this to work. She turns into a crazy, blood thirsty scary creature if she doesn't have enough blood. Think of the movie Let the Right One In. She's a bit of a vampire I guess. She needs friends and love!!


YOWZA. I am Christine. I know some of you! and hopefully you will all soon get to know Archie. He's a magician, his power is full sensory illusion. He's a very confident zorkenheimer (which is a dorkenheimer X 10). He loves KISS. He is in a KISS coverband called Shock Me! Archie is very magnanimous and silly. He doesn't like the turn the Night Guard has taken and is considering his options. I am hoping to have some conversations with other Night Guard members about the state of things and finally to figure out what his next step will be. He is for Mutant rights but not at the cost of innocent people. why can't everyone just get along!

Jun. 10th, 2012



Like my other two, not much has changed in Rick's life, as far as things pretty much went on as they were. Rick and Vic are now engaged (awww) and have moved into an apartment together. Rick is pretty upset about having lost his livelihood teaching at Byrne, but not because he feels he has to be the breadwinner - he just doesn't want to be a burden to Vic. He's also very distressed that the safe haven for all those kids is now gone. As Tactus, he continues with NG, mostly in order to thwart some of the atrocities the group has been part to - it's easy for him to lie about or give incorrect information from his visions since no one can tell what he's seeing or hearing but him. He also does what he can to affect things in the field, but he's not out in the field too often.



Since last we played, Eva has pretty much continued her life as it was. The trial came and went, and she's healed a lot from her experience - she occasionally gets a panic attack or has a nightmare, but she's pretty much got it under control. She and Jake are still co-leading the League (along with some of the other founding members, I'm sure). Her powers are much further developed through her training with the League, as well as her private lessons with Alfie. Metroman has done a lot to help the young group become an efficient crime-fighting force. They are still just kids, but the veteran members are pretty damn good at what they do. They've also become something of a safe haven for kids that need a place to stay out of harm's way, now that Byrne is closed. The group is still a mix of humans and supernus, and they're still fighting crime, but the focus is now more on protecting mutants from the discrimination and hate crimes that are considered crimes less and less.

While things have continued to move forward, Eva has become stronger and stronger. She's still quiet, but she's nowhere near as timid as she once was. She goes out in the field, certainly, but she prefers to be at HQ, supervising things and making sure everyone feels safe and secure. She has a particular knack for helping newcomers feel comfortable and find their niche. Personally, she's had a few boyfriends, but none of the relationships lasted, though some of them are still friends.



So, since last we played, Rylee continued her double agent bit for a while. Mostly, she fed information to the CS that kept them from getting caught, and helped with figuring out who the kidnappers were, or any information that helped them get more resources, etc. However, with the NG going all genetic traitor, she bailed pretty early on. Freaked out that the government now threatening mutants knew a bit too much about her, she asked Ethan to get them off the grid. She said her goodbyes to people, though they probably didn't know it at the time, and then she and Matt went into hiding. Basically, at this point, only CS agents might know her, or Shi.

Nov. 8th, 2011


Due to recent circumstances I've decieded to drop my boy Morgan here. Have no fear, Emma will remain if anyone would like to thread with her. Thanks for your time.


Nov. 2nd, 2011


Hey y'all,

It's been fun, but I think it's time for me to go. So, I'm pulling out both Bradley and Fenix.

Best of luck!

- Nando

Oct. 29th, 2011


Hey everyone,

I've been struggling over this for a while, but I think it is time for me to move on from this game. I've really enjoyed the world, the characters, and all of you. But there's not been a lot going on in game here, and my characters have stopped talking to me at this point. Those of you who had lines with my characters, please feel free to get a hold of me and we can work something out if you'd like.

I hope you all continue to have fun in this world - I've had a great time during my run here.

- Sarah (Eva, Rick, Rylee)

Oct. 18th, 2011


Okay, folks, I know I disappeared - I've been disappearing - it was not my intention. Somehow - SOMEHOW - in the monthly roundup of bills-to-pay (as opposed to 'eh we can go another month or two of ignoring this one'), something had to be cut, and it turned out to be the internet. That was not my executive decision. Don't these people know internet is the equivalent of oxygen?

And usually, I would be fine with it. Usually I have an ipod that is basically a miniature computer. And there are free wi fi spots all over town. Except I lost my ipod (thankfully I'm fairly extremely sure it's around the house) about a week ago. And that feels a lot like losing an arm. So I am entirely without internet for an undetermined amount of time. Unfortunately what this means is that I won't have access to my email as frequently as usual. But I will be checking it - when I can - so if any of you lovely people want to drop me a line, I WILL get it, just not as speedily as I would like.

I am terribly sorry about all these hiatuses. There will be lots of virtual cookies when I return.

Oct. 12th, 2011


Confusion....Sort of.

I feel like I've lost track of something I discussed with someone a while back. I know I'm basically on top of everything I should be (Emma and AJ will be on the beach tonight once I'm home from work) but I still keep thinking I'm forgetting something. If I've missed a thread for AJ/Sand somewhere or if someone is waiting on me for something (beside the beach thread), can someone please let me know?


Oct. 10th, 2011


Hey guys. Just wanted to apologize for being so heavily absent these past few weeks. A lot of stuff has hit me at once so I had to focus on all of that. Once this week is over (midterms, eww), I should be picking my activity back up again. I'm alive, promise! :D

Jon (Cecilia, Cam, Brian, Greenie)

Oct. 6th, 2011


Hello everyone!

Just to give everyone a heads up, tonight I'm going to put up the Gym Benefit thread. IC, the thread will last from the beginning of the Benefit (6pm, fights start at 7pm) until dawn the next morning (when the reality warping ends). OOC, the reality warping sub-thread will be posted sometime tomorrow night. Kel and Fin will be causing the reality warp, so everything after their sub-thread will be affected. Also, everything returns to normal at dawn - any property damage, physical injury, or death is undone, just like with the Zombie!plot.

Sorry for the delay guys - I know this was supposed to go up last weekend.

Oct. 5th, 2011


So, last night I busted the cord for my laptop. I am planning on getting a new one today if they have the compatible one at the store, but I may not be online if I can't find one. Just fyi.

Edit: Success! I have a temp cord (read: returnable purchased item), and FREE replacement is in the mail! Huzzah!

Oct. 3rd, 2011


Entertaining? Possibly?

So I was thinking this could be fun/entertaining to see how players/characters handle it.

Last night I wanted to write an open post for Kel and couldn't think of anything so Jan and I started joking about getting characters into situations or around things they may not normally be around. As a joke I told Jan to give me an unusual thread concept for something to do with Kel and she came back with "Ponies! Everyone loves ponies!" (Except Kel.)

To get back to the first part of this post about me thinking, does anyone want to have some fun with unusual thread starts? Just random stuff to see how your character reacts to things they don't normally have to deal with?

I was thinking that we could use this post to 'challenge' (or help) other players come up with strange things for their characters to be doing or interacting with?

Like for example.... Rylee having to handle a baby in some way. The whole thread set up could be her bitching about how she got into the situation in the first place, or possibly her recanting her day of dealing with the pint sized tike? She could make the thread open or poke someone who deals with kids (Ty or Fenix I think would be appropriate in that situation? Just the first two that come to mind.) - Generally I'd expect the 'challenges' to be vaguely worded sentences or single words unless the player wants a more specific prompt.

So if anyone's up for being challenged, challenging each other or challenging me for some randomness I think it could be fun. :)

My challenges to others: )

Sep. 30th, 2011


okay dudes

Kay, so I am in tentatively reemerging in the game. Things are more stable, and... I need to write, so badly. So. Yes. Writing.

I am going to try to pick up some of the dropped threads - such as Cam and Alec's training, because we got about two tags on that >_> and that's just unacceptable.

I apologize to all the new people that I completely missed. I suck.

I haven't dropped any characters, so they're all totally back up for grabs. I want Frank and Ava to have a discussion about life and heroing and really deep psychological shit, if that's alright?

Scott and Dust clearly need to do their flying and sparring, which will be backdated, to last weekend, I think?

Jake and Heather clearly need to have a thread devoted entirely to their epicitude. Jake just needs to thread with everyone. Rylee and Eva and the new Aurora league members - Buddy who talks fast, and Max who knows no telepathy boundaries. I would love to see a telepath dig into Jake's head because Jake head is so impossibly scrambled, it would be hilarious. Jake would totally not find that invasive at all, either. Personal space - even the space inside of your body - does not exist to him.

Those are just my very bare thoughts, so I apologize if I left promised threads out and please throw whatever ideas you have at me. I just need to write. So have at thee.

Sep. 21st, 2011


Yay interwebs! I haz them again which meeeeans! That's right, I'm back. Getting into the swing of things and warning up front responses may be delayed (stupid unpacking and stuff). Though long overdue, WELCOME to all the new people/characters who's intros I've missed. When time allows I'll check everyone out, promise! For those I'm in threads with, expect tags ASAP =) Hope everyone is doing well and seeya soon!


Sep. 19th, 2011



Hi all, this is a new player! My name is Sly, and I know a few of you from other places. And since I can't think of anything else to say about myself, I'll let you all ask questions if you like!

This guy is Max Boole! He's a telepath and a member of the Aurora League, usually acting as their communications system because unhackable comms for the win. He's also omnilinguistic, making him a good go-to translator as well. Personality-wise he's cheerful and kind of without oblivious in that he sees very little difference between listening to someone's surface thoughts and listening to their actual speech... which I'm sure tends to annoy people and/or freak them out.

Any questions about him or any thoughts re: lines, hit me here too! I am generally also available on AIM at SlythDra or GTalk/email at


Okay folks,

A hiatus is in order. Some things have just been piling up and I am a procrastinator (which unfortunately, I'm sure all of those who have threaded with me maybe have caught on to >_> ) and things are just not getting done in the limited free time I have. So I am taking a short - a short - hiatus, to address those things. Hopefully, I'll be back in working order in two or so weeks.

I know I have a shit ton of lines developed, and threads, and character developments and I know I'm in the middle of all sorts of things, and it sucks to disappear like this. But in my absence, you can just assume that my peeps are doing... my peepslike things. Jake will be the spastastic chipmunk that he always is (which, Sarah, if you need to talk about any Aurora league developments, I am still always open for emails. Otherwise you probably know Jake well enough to assume his stance on things. But I'm here if you need input) Sam will have plenty of rage-worthy issues when I return. Things will start to develop for her. Ava will be all - Ava-y. I would actually like for her and Frank to have a talk when I return. About the nightguard and life and stuff. Scott totally takes Dust up on her next weekend flying and then sparring. Which we will totally have to backdate on my return because those two are just awesome and need to be scened together. And Alec, who I am most bummed about, because I just intorduced him and now I'm slacking off all over him >_< Dropped threads for Alec will hopefully be picked back up, because I have like a whole two. So >_> There's not a lot of assuming done on his part, since he's met two people thus far.

So until I get shit squared away, I am still available like 24/7 at; sorry to be sucking so much like this.

Sep. 17th, 2011


Hi! Nando here again with kidlet number 2! I brought in someone younger. He's 18 and he's going to be a member of the Aurora League, probably. He's from Los Angeles. He waits tables to make some cash. He's going to university. He talks fast, sounds kind of ditzy/spacey sometimes, but is totally witty and sarcastic. It's kind of his staple when fighting some bad guys -- he disarms them with his wit and painstakingly thought out puns. He feels like it brings something new and fresh to the table.

He's was trained by a man who used to go by the name of "Black Condor" and was his protege. Black Condor had retired, though, and he saw something in Buddy that he knew he could help nurture. He died when Buddy got kidnapped, though, for being too slow, and when Black Condor went in to save him, he died in the process. Kinda bummed Buddy out, man. Now he's back to kicking some ass.

So, he's relatively new-ish to the scene. I'd love to develop some lines for him.

Sep. 14th, 2011


So! Some of you may remember my mentioning that the gym Rylee's brother works at has a charity fundraiser/benefit every year for local charities. Basically, attendees make donations to their favorite charity and each fighter is fighting for a specific charity. Whichever fighter wins, the gym will match the donations (up to a certain amount - $10,000? - something like that) to that fighter's charity. These are all local charities - local to the city. So the local SPCA, local Boys and Girls Club, Breakthrough (summer program for kids), etc. Also, the fighters are from the gym, so unless your character is already a member of the gym, you cannot enroll as a fighter (please also consider that the fighters are professional level fighters).

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