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Sep. 13th, 2011



Hidy-ho gang,

I've been having some atrocious problems with sleep/focus recently. Some of you may have heard me complain about this or might have guessed something was up by the length of time it's taking me to get back to tagging you (sorry). So I (1) Wanted to let people know this isn't seeming to let up and I apologize, I will get to your tags/threads ASAP (It's more focus issues that's killing me lately - Though I can push through that sometimes regardless) and most importantly (2) I feel like I'm missing stuff (tags owed, threads I agreed to do or possibly threads I agreed to set up?)

I know I owe Sarah a tag (Does anyone ever not owe Sarah a tag?) but other than that I'm blanking. >.> Sorry guys, help me out on this? - Or if you just wanted a thread but hadn't gotten around to pinging me yet, feel free to drop a note too.

~Quest (Dust, Vic, Ty, Zack & Kel)

Sep. 8th, 2011


The flu sucks

So after two years of catching the flu right around the holidays, I was going to get a shot this year. Turns out I didn't even have time as I have already come down with something very much like the bugger. I hate the flu. Expect no tags from me until my brain feels more up to it, but I'll get back to you all as soon as I can.

*non-infectious hugs all around*


Oh hey guys! So, I've let the modly ones know about this already, but some stuff came up, causing some uber-serious personal issues that I desperately need to tend to. I'm not calling a hiatus or anything, so don't worry, I'm possibly just going to be a bit slower as I get stuff worked on and such, or I'll possibly be even MORE active than usual. I'm not really sure at the moment because I'm a little bit unstable. If you want to know what's going on, I'll gladly tell you. IM me at metroid0618 or e-mail me at I love you all and I'm not disappearing, I promise! <3

Jon (Cec, Brian, Cam, Greenie)

Sep. 6th, 2011


THREADS I need them

hey, it's Roz - Back from my mini hiatus, and I promise, I'll get back to all of my missed tags. Probably tomorrow. The trip back took longer than was expected, and I'm not sure how well my writingness will be. Which is probably the most annoying feeling in the world.

Anyway, this post - other than to say I'm back - is primarily for threads. I introduced a new character before disappearing, so this is pretty much the 'now pay up' follow up thread. I wanna put him into the game as soon as possible and I don't remember all the thread ideas so I'm just gonna throw out what I can remember, and if anything strikes your fancy - I'm up for whatever, honestly.

So basically -

Alec and Imogen?

Alec and Rafe (Because I'm clearly trying to have an active thread with Rafe and every single one of my characters at the same time. He doesn't get enough love <3)?

Alec and Dust getting into trouble and the hilarity of fail that comes with Alec moving?

I would love to see Alec and Rylee meet because she is so freaking abrasive and he would seriously totally dig that - and she needs to be digged more.

AND Alec and Dani chatting it up and Alec and Callie duoing and - everything else. Yes so - threads, now. Who's down?


So, bad news. As Quest mentioned on my behalf, my roomie is an idiot. Even worse Time Warner is pure evil and screwed things up so horribly I won't have the net until the 13th (or so they claim). Due to this I'm being forced into a hiatus ;.; I miss you all and may be able to tag here and there (Starbucks willing) but make no promises. For my characters in game: Emma is taking on extra missions both professionally and personally so other than seeing her around campus on occasion she's fairly elusive. Morgan is taking some personal time to help work out the kinks in Blaze's training while still juggling school and the vigilante life. There you have it. If anyone needs anything feel free to e-mail but if it's urgent or time sensitive Quest knows how to reach me. Have lotsa fun and hope ya have a great day ^.^

~ Affinity

Sep. 4th, 2011


Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that if I'm slow in responding to things (journals, threads, AIM, etc) it's not because I don't love you. It's because my fingers were smashed in a window last night, and typing is just a little bit painful at the moment. So yes. Responses will probably be slow! >.<

Jon (Cecilia, Cam, Greenie, Brian)

EDIT: Also, just another general warning. In the month of November, I will likely be very absent. It's NaNoWriMo, so all my creativity will be going towards that endeavor. And I'll have homework, too. So...yeah. November. Watch out!

Sep. 1st, 2011


Hey all! So I'm going away for the weekend starting tomorrow afternoon, so I probably won't be tagging all weekend, unless I feel really determined to do so on my BB, which is unlikely (omg tiny screen!). I may get to some tagging tomorrow morning, depending on how much work is kicking my ass (I will be working from home), and I will be tagging on Monday, I believe, though I will again be working from home. In any case, just fyi that tagging will not be happening over the weekend.


Hey guys, just letting you know that school started up today (Wed) so I'm going to be slow during the week while I try to acclimate myself to having a schedule that's actually busy. I didn't forget about any of you, I promise! <3

Jon (Greenie, Brian, Cam, Cecilia)

Aug. 31st, 2011


Okay, my friends,

I have another character. And I know - I know - I also have tags. Which I didn't get to today. Unexpectedly, evidently, I'm going to wisconsin this weekend. Usually, my family goes at the start of August. But we primarily go for my grandfather, and because of health issues, he wasn't able to go at that designated time. And since it's his cabin, we sorta didn't go either. But abruptly - he's going to wisconsin this weekend, so we're all going because... fishing and not doing shit - basically. He's old and his back is bad and - well, he's probably going to die soon, so this year might be his last, so we take what we can get, y'know? so i'm going and I've been busy preparing for that goingness. So this is also my OOC ROZ WILL BE GONE FROM SATURDAY TO TUESDAY post.

Cut for SO much talking, my god )


Hi everyone! I'm Finn, a new player here, and v. excited about it! I've been poking around the game since May and things have finally aligned for me to join. But, on to my character who is much more interesting than I am:

Plot stuff and teal deer under here! )

Aug. 30th, 2011


Oontz, oontz, oontz!

I am soooo late to the party, but I've just thrown Rafe and Mai in the dance club thread! They're both open to multiple threads, I've left their set-ups vague enough that they could work for several starts, so pleaaaase come play with me and mine.

Aug. 27th, 2011


New pup and stuff!

Hey guys, it's Fan'.

Now that the kidnapping plot is more or less done, let me introduce you to my new kid! He's called Mai (pronounce it 'my') and he's a professional dancer. He's also The Dancer working for the Chaos Syndicate, but a veeeery few people know that. He has short bursts of super speed that allow him to dance a dance that hypnotises people (one at a time only) so he can get intel out of them or get them to do stuff. He's very good at what he does. He's also always the guy behind the scenes, which is why he did not come and take part in the rescue party.

He's a complete lie and spends most of his time pretending and acting. He is not quite right in the head. He works for the Syndicate because it's a challenge.

Anyone want connections with him? That'd help me out, since he has no ties to the school, to get him involved and started in the game.

In other news, Rafe is coming to this clubbing thing but he will be a girl and want help from someone on last minute make-up! May I please have a volunteer? It doesn't have to be threaded, handwaving is fine, but I'll mention it in his narration in the clubbing thing.

Aug. 23rd, 2011


It has been requested that I share this with the class, so without further ado, I give you.
The Unicorn of the Night Guard )

Aug. 22nd, 2011


Since there was a change in plans!

Massacre got Stitch Witch to make her a parachute so that she could do a carry and drop.

What exactly this means:

Massacre grabbed someone/they held on to her, she teleported above the power negation sphere and they went into a free fall from that height, deploying the chute at an appropriate height so that they could land on the facilities roof near a roof top entrance to the building. She would try to shield the person from obvious notice (I can't imagine this would be possible). Then she's taking a dive over the roof into the combat zone while the other person can either, go combat zone with her OR run into the building. The choice is up to the player.

I was thinking either another 1st liner to fuck up the guards at the front, or possibly a 3rd liner to try to get in and do some damage inside the facility? I dunno, open to pretty much anything here.

So! Who wants to be Mass's drop buddy for this? xD

Aug. 17th, 2011


Because I was just discussing this with one of the lovely modly ladies, I decided that perhaps this conversation needed to be started on boards because I'm a curious little jerk.


How tall is your character(s)? Do they look EXACTLY like their PB or do you think they would weigh a little more/less? Maybe have a slightly lighter hair color? Any color streaks in their hair? Normally aren't clean shaven but your PB has almost no images where they aren't clean shaven? Differences in dress style? Wears their hair pulled back/down? Etc?

Have fun!

My kids )

Aug. 15th, 2011


I'm back!

Hello all! Jusy wanted to give an official 'I'm home' wave. Back to the real world and work but also back to the internets. I shall be catching up on any threads that were left hanging before I left. Let me know if anyone wants to thread with AJ!



Hi peeps!

I'm back from my insanely long (because insanely internet-less) holiday! Phew! So. What have I missed? What's going on? Who's new? I don't think that I will have time to catch up.

Stuff that I need and/or want to do. )

If you want threads with me, let me know! If I forgot you in the lists above, let me know! All plot ideas more than welcome! I'm not going to have time to tag today, but I'll try and get to it tomorrow! Lovelove, peeps. Missed you all.

Aug. 13th, 2011



Hey all! So I got it in my head to do some superlatives (you know, like in a high school yearbook - best smile, cutest couple, etc.), and here they are. Please add more! I think pretty much everyone is covered here at least once, but I'd love to see everyone else's lists or revisions. ^_^

Aug. 11th, 2011


So! I was thinking... I seem to do this a lot, what the hell, right?

I can't count the number of times I've had to check with someone how long "X" character has been with Night Guard or Chaos Syndicate or how well known "X" character is amongst their peers/enemies of NG/CS (or even if any of the vigilantes are particularly well known?).

SO! Let's talk about it.

I figure if each person can tell how long ago their character respectively joined which ever side they're on, what they feel the character would be doing/accomplishing, their ranking (so to say?) in their organization and thusly how well known the characters exploits would be it could potentially clear up a lot of questions I (and I think?) others may have. :)

How famous are you? )

Aug. 10th, 2011


Hello everyone! This is Charlie with a new character, one who's pretty much the polar opposite of Leonard and is very much his own young man. Sooo, I guess we'll get into that?

This is Garret Chambers, a wholly normal and average human who just happens to live in close proximity to Byrne and is very interested in the Academy and the people it houses. Though it might be hard to believe, he is completely without ulterior motive in this..just a curious young man who recognizes the plight some of the attending individuals face. He'll pretty much be the friendly baseline human who hangs out and is free to talk to and not judge anyone based on abilities or mutations. He's also a pretty decent writer and is learning to make a mean fajita. Eventually he will develop his own powers, though how this transformation comes about is pretty up in the air at the moment..though the nature of his powers is pretty set. He works as a waiter at the Claim Jumper in Tucson, so if you ever have a character wander off campus for some grub without using a hub (...lyrical), feel free to involve him!

Garret's got a sister and a mom that he passed up a baseball scholarship to take care of, which he still kind of regrets..but not enough to avoid his responsibilities. He views it as his responsibility as his father died a little over a year ago and he went through a rather nasty period of depression before following his current course of action.

For the most part, he's just a quiet guy who doesn't take himself too seriously and keeps a rather humble opinion of his own abilities. He's young and not totally comfortable in his own skin yet, but he's loyal and he'll stand up for people when they're being wronged. Which with the various villains and neutral people with powers could put him in a good spot of trouble.

His powers, when they manifest, will be Gravitational Magnetism. To avoid a lengthy explanation, his brain will be transformed from a complex organ of gray matter into a legitimate and very compact star. This will give him control over the major forces involved in the composition of a star, namely electromagnetic and gravitational energy. He'll have some fine and creative control with his electromagnetic powers (which have the upward scale of thermonuclear power when he matures), but the gravitational bit will be a gamble any time he uses it for awhile. Though when he learns how to fly, he'll be ridiculously stoked. So he'll be sort of like a younger and less emotionally scarred version of Magneto.

So! I'm open for all sorts of lines for him. Friends and enemies. People who just don't like having him around Byrne. Others who might want to use him for a scapegoat. And of course, kids he can bond with before and after his powers manifest.

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